Undergraduate Academic Programs / Departments / Courses

67 Engineering

Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering


Engineering Faculty
Suzanne Kresta, Professor, Dean
Amy Hsiao, Professor
Greg Naterer, Professor
Trung Ngo, Professor
Marya Ahmed, Associate Professor
Aitazaz Farooque, Associate Professor
Andrew Swingler, Associate Professor
Senthilkumar Thiruppathi, Associate Professor
Andrew Trivett, Associate Professor
Kuljeet Grewal, Assistant Professor
Yulin Hu, Assistant Professor
Grant McSorley, Assistant Professor
Elizabeth Osgood, Assistant Professor
Stephanie Shaw, Assistant Professor

UPEI’s Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering program focuses on engineering design as an engineering discipline in itself. Sustainable design engineers are problem solvers. They use design skills, engineering knowledge, math and science to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to modern-day problems. A sustainable solution is one in which all factors and stakeholders are considered. It goes beyond just providing an efficient, attractive, on-time, and on-budget solution. It also cares about how such goals are achieved and about its impact on people, the environment and society.

Our program provides students with a solid technical foundation which supports the development of their design skills. Just as important, though, the program also provides the professional skills necessary to succeed as a professional engineer. To achieve this, we have created a unique and innovative design clinic model that is integrated throughout all years of the program. In the design clinics, students are immersed in hands-on, experiential learning while working on real projects for a wide range of external partners from the community, municipalities, government, industry and others.

Our program allows students in the upper years to focus their studies and apply their design skills in three areas: mechatronics; bioresources; and sustainable energy. Very often, then, design clinic projects and the interests of project team members cover each of these areas.

With a strong interdisciplinary background in engineering design, strengthened by solid professional and technical skills, our graduates are well-positioned to work in a diverse range of industry sectors such as: bio and food processing, robotics, industrial automation, aerospace, automotive, advanced manufacturing, sustainable and alternative energy, marine applications, and many others. Our graduates also pursue careers in research and development by enrolling in graduate programs either here at UPEI or at other schools. Some of our graduates move on to medical school and some even start their own companies.

The following core design clinic courses must be taken in succession to support the students’ developing skills.

Community Design Program
Engineering 1210—Engineering Communications
Engineering 1220—Engineering Analysis

Junior Design Clinic
Engineering 2210—Engineering Projects I
Engineering 2220—Engineering Projects II

Senior Design Clinics
Engineering 3710—Project-Based Professional Practice I
Engineering 3720—Project-Based Professional Practice II
Engineering 4710—Project-Based Professional Practice III
Engineering 4720—Project-Based Professional Practice IV

The following are the course requirements for the Sustainable Design Engineering degree which can be taken over a four-year or a five-year course plan. Refer to the individual course matrices, available on the website, for the course sequencing for each of these plans. Please note that a 60% minimum grade is required in each of the following courses to proceed to the next course: Engineering 1210, 1220, 2210, 2220, 3710, 3720 and 4710. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with an academic advisor early in the program to review course selection.

Course Credit Hours
Engineering 1210—Engineering Communications* 3
Engineering 1220—Engineering Analysis 3
Engineering 1230—Engineering Mechanics I: Statics 3
Engineering 1250—Materials Science 3
Engineering 1310—Computer Programming with Engineering Applications 3
Engineering 1340 – Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics 3
Engineering 1410—Sustainability in Engineering Design 3
Engineering 2130—Statistics for Engineering Applications 3
Engineering 2210—Engineering Projects I 3
Engineering 2220—Engineering Projects II 3
Engineering 2310—Strength of Materials 3
Engineering 2360—Materials, Mechanics, and Manufacturing 3
Engineering 2610—Thermo Fluids I: Thermodynamics 3
Engineering 2620—Thermo Fluids II: Fluid Mechanics 3
Engineering 2810—Electric Circuits 3
Engineering 2830—Digital Logic Design 3
Engineering 3220—Engineering Measurements 3
Engineering 3270—Machines & Automatic Controls 3
Engineering 3430—Technology Management and Entrepreneurship 3
Engineering 3630—Thermo Fluids III: Heat Transfer and Thermodynamic Cycles 3
Engineering 3710—Project-Based Professional Practice I 6
Engineering 3720—Project-Based Professional Practice II 6
Engineering 3810—Systems Engineering 3
Engineering 3820—System Dynamics with Simulation 3
Engineering 4210—Facilitated Study & Experimental Practice 3
Engineering 4710—Project-Based Professional Practice III 6
Engineering 4720—Project-Based Professional Practice IV 6
Engineering 4850—Computational Methods for Engineering Design 3
One (1) introductory engineering focus area elective** 3
Three (3) engineering focus area electives** 9
Chemistry 1110—General Chemistry I 3
IKE 1040 – Indigenous Teachings 3
Mathematics 1910—Single Variable Calculus I 4
Mathematics 1920—Single Variable Calculus II 4
Mathematics 2610—Linear Algebra 3
Mathematics 2910—Multivariable and Vector Calculus 4
Mathematics 3010—Differential Equations 3
UPEI 1010—Writing Studies 3
One (1) complementary studies elective*** 3
One (1) complementary studies or science elective*** 3
Total 141

* Engineering 1210 satisfies the intensive writing course requirement.
** Four engineering focus area electives are required. The first of these must be the introductory elective course in either Mechatronics (ENGN 3340), Sustainable Energy (ENGN 3440), or Bio-Resources (ENGN 3540) The remaining three engineering focus area electives can be selected from any of the elective courses listed below depending on availability. At least one of the engineering focus area electives must be at the 4000 level.
*** Complementary studies courses are any non-engineering or non-science courses.

Engineering Focus Area Electives
Engineering 3370—Mechatronic System Integration and Interface Design
Engineering 3380—Real-time Embedded Systems
Engineering 3390—Introduction to Mechatronic Computer-Aided Product Development, Modelling and Simulation
Engineering 3450—Wind and Water Power
Engineering 3460—Solar Energy and Electricity Storage
Engineering 3490—Chemical Energy Conversion
Engineering 3570—Engineering Applications of Biological Materials
Engineering 3580—Soil Mechanics
Engineering 4310—Advanced Fabrication Techniques and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
Engineering 4320—Control System Design
Engineering 4330—Innovations in Biomedical Engineering
Engineering 4350—Advanced Robotic Dynamics and Control
Engineering 4370—Fluid Power Control
Engineering 4410—Macro Energy Systems
Engineering 4440—Advanced Energy Storage
Engineering 4450—Fluid Loads on Energy Structures
Engineering 4470—Micro Grids
Engineering 4510—Geoinformatics in Bioresources
Engineering 4530—Fundamentals of Agricultural Machinery
Engineering 4550—Biotechnological Processes
Engineering 4830—Biomedical Signal Processing
Engineering 4840—Sustainable Technology Development and Commercialization



This course is the first in a series of design courses structured to foster development toward becoming a professional engineer.  It provides a basic introduction to the profession, to the design process, and to the way that engineers communicate through drawing, writing, speaking, and presenting. Students learn about the engineering design process by completing simple engineering design projects in a team-based environment. There is a strong focus on writing and computer-aided drawing.
PREREQUISITE: Admission to the Engineering Program. Engineering 1410 and Math 1910 must both be completed or taken concurrently
Three hours lecture and three hours design studio per week

This course is the second in a series of design courses structured to foster development toward becoming a professional engineer. It further introduces the engineering design process through team-based engineering design projects. Additionally, emphasis is placed on the development of a structured problem-solving and analysis ability that can be applied to most engineering applications.  Analysis topics include: basic concepts of electricity; estimation; statistics; graphing; and regression.  Computer-aided tools, such as Excel and MatLab are introduced.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 1210 with a grade of at least 60%. Engineering 1310 must be completed or taken concurrently.
Three hours lecture and three hours of design studio per week

This course focuses on the equilibrium conditions for the state of rest of particles and rigid bodies subject to forces and moments. Topics to be discussed include vector operations, equilibrium conditions, free-body diagrams, moments and couples, distributed loadings, support reactions, truss analysis, centroids, moments of inertia, products of inertia, shear and bending moment diagrams, and friction.
PREREQUISITE:  Admission to the Engineering Program. Mathematics 1910 must be completed or taken concurrently.
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

This course focuses on the fundamental principles of chemistry as they relate to the properties and behaviour of materials in application to engineering systems. The relationship between electronic structure, chemical bonding, and atomic order is emphasized. The characterization of atomic arrangements in crystalline and amorphous solids, i.e. that of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites are introduced. Knowledge of materials phenomena, including chemical equilibrium and kinetics, diffusion, electrochemistry, and phase transformations will be gained through experiential labs and lecture. Examples from industrial practice and emerging technologies will be used to illustrate the materials science concepts in this course.
PREREQUISITE: Admission to the Engineering program.  Mathematics 1920 must be completed or taken concurrently, Chemistry 1110
Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week

This introductory course in computer programming is specifically designed for engineering students with no previous programming experience. The learning objectives are twofold: 1) to gain the ability to write scripts and solve basic engineering problems using the Matlab® numerical computing environment, 2) to introduce embedded systems and the fundamentals of interfacing and real-time programming using the Arduino open-source platform. Topics include problem solving, algorithm design, modular programming, data types and number systems, operators, functions, decision statements, loops, and arrays.  The latter part of the course deals with the fundamentals of interfacing peripheral devices including sensors and actuators to design small embedded systems.
PREREQUISITE: Admission to the Engineering Program.  Mathematics 1920 must be completed or taken concurrently.
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

This course is a study of mechanics concerned with the state of motion of rigid bodies that are subject to the action of forces. The course considers the kinematics and kinetics of motion applied particles and rigid bodies particularly as it relates to engineering applications and design. Topics include rectilinear and curvilinear motions, normal and tangential coordinates, dependent motion, Newton’s Laws of Motion, energy and momentum methods.
PREREQUISITE:  Mathematics 1920 must be completed or taken concurrently.  Engineering 1230
Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week

This course introduces the principles of sustainability in engineering design as they relate to the interactions among humans, living systems, the natural environment and the engineered world. Physical, chemical, biological, ecological, social, economic and life-cycle concepts, and their relevance to sustainable engineering design, are emphasized.
PREREQUISITE: Admission to the Engineering Program
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

This course provides an introduction to statistics through its application to engineering in the areas of reliability and experimentation. Basic statistical concepts, such as probability, descriptive measures, population distributions, and hypothesis testing will be taught in the context of engineering reliability and experimentation scenarios. Students will be introduced to fundamental concepts of reliability, such as failure and repairability rates, and analysis techniques such as reliability block diagrams and fault tree analysis. Student will also learn the basics of experimental design, including one-factor-at-a-time and factorial testing, and get hands on experience with the design, execution, analysis and interpretation of experimental results.
PREREQUISITE:  Admission to the Engineering program.  Mathematics 1920
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

Combined with Engineering 2220, this course provides a complete community/industry design project experience. Emphasis is placed on strong technical design knowledge and team dynamics to facilitate learning and critical thinking.  Students are encouraged to develop and apply CAD, economics, sustainability, social justice, and ethics concepts in their own community/industry design projects.  Students are required to research and analyze the client’s situation (internal/external) and develop detailed analytical proposals and conceptual design options. Innovative project management tools and communication skills (team/client) are also introduced to achieve project deliverables in an effective manner.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 1220 with a grade of at least 60%. Engineering 1250, 1310, 1340 and 1410.  Engineering 2310, Engineering 2610 and Engineering 2810 must be completed or taken concurrently and UPEI 1010
Three hours lecture and three hours design studio per week

Building on the work in Engineering 2210, students will complete detailed designs of their concepts, in-depth engineering analyses and develop a physical model or demonstration to support the recommended design solution.  Working closely with community/industry partners and faculty, students learn how to manage a complex client oriented project, supported by accurate numerical analysis and professional documentation. Emphasis is placed on hands-on activities in a team-oriented environment to achieve an optimal working prototype, keeping in view the concepts of practicality, adoptability, economics and sustainability.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 2210 with a grade of at least 60%
Three hours of lecture and three hours of design studio per week

This course is an introduction to the study of stress, strain and deformation of a solid body subjected to static forces. Topics include elastic and plastic stress, strain, Mohr’s circle, torsion, behaviour of beams and columns. Computer applications and hands-on laboratory experiments are used.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 1230 and Mathematics 1920
Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week

This course advances the fundamental knowledge of materials science to focus on materials processing and industrial manufacturing techniques for metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites.  Knowledge of heat treatment and various metallurgical processes, as well as cold-working, subtractive and additive manufacturing, corrosion and fatigue, will be linked to an evaluation of materials properties, materials performance and mechanical behavior, and microstructure. Students will apply the materials life cycle and use various tools to assess quality and integrity to predefined specifications and tolerances. The materials phenomena and manufacturing techniques discussed in lecture will be demonstrated through experiential labs.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 1250 and 2310
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

This course is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of thermodynamics (first and second laws) and the application of these principles to engineering problems. Topics included are: the nature and forms of energy; basic concepts of systems, properties, states and processes; energy transfer as work and heat; energy and The First Law of Thermodynamics; entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics; and heat engine cycles. The analysis of various systems for power generation or refrigeration is also included.
PREREQUISITE: Admission to the Engineering program.  Chemistry 1110 must be completed or taken concurrently; Mathematics 1920
Three hours lecture and three lab hours per week

This course is an introduction to the field of fluid mechanics. Topics covered include properties of fluids, forces on submerged surfaces, stability of floating objects, ideal fluid flow, and momentum and energy methods. Concepts of similitude are introduced and fundamental scaling parameters in real fluids. Turbulence is introduced; pipe flow problems and lift/drag problems are solved.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 2610 and Math 2910
Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week

This course is a study of topics such as: voltage, current, resistance, power, Ohm’s laws, Kirchoff ‘s laws, sources, voltage and current division, nodal and mesh analysis, linearity and superposition, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, capacitance and inductance, RL and RC circuits. Concepts of electric charge, force and field are also introduced.
PREREQUISITE: Admission to the Engineering program.  Math 1920
Three hours lecture and two hours tutorial per week

This course is a study of topics such as: digital and binary systems, Boolean algebra, combinational logic, sequential logic, minimization, registers and counters, clocks and synchronization, state machines, and programmable logic devices. Ladder logic and programmable logic controllers are also introduced.
PREREQUISITE:  Engineering 1310, Engineering 2810
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

This course covers the basic types of measurement of many fundamental physical phenomena, including time, distance, displacements, speed, rates, force, flow, temperature, pressure, stress and strain, and frequency. An introduction to digital and analog electronics is a component of the course, but the focus is on understanding ways to sense physical parameters. This course has a significant field component.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 2130, 2810, and Math 3010
Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week

This course introduces students to the complexity of automating machines. Building on previous machine design and electric circuit’s courses, students will investigate and experiment with all aspects of electrical systems, mechanical systems and automatic control. Topics covered include: history of machines, how machines work, concept of control, human interaction, instruments and measurements, control schematics, AC/DC machines and transformers, programmable technology, power electronics, electric motors, protection systems, and industrial safety. Labs involve reverse engineering exercises and industrial field trips are used to enhance understanding.
PREREQUISITE:  Engineering 3220
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

This course covers fundamental skills associated with the development of computer-controlled intelligent systems and processes. Following a modern approach to mechanical engineering design, students will attempt synergistic integration of electronics, control systems, and mechanical components in a controlled laboratory environment. Students must demonstrate skills related to the selection, integration and/or calibration of sensors, actuators, signal conditioning, control algorithms, computer software, and hardware systems used to manage complexity, uncertainty, and communication in robotic systems.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3710 must be completed or taken concurrently
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course focuses on the fundamentals of human and mechatronic system interaction and a systematic approach to its interface design. Signal generation, transmission, and interface design are the main topics of this course. Integration of the Mechatronics system focuses on the use of embedded electronics to control and monitor mechanical behavior in a mechatronic system. Following a user-centered design and observational philosophy, students will learn to evaluate the execution efficiency of typical voice, command and graphical (GUI) user interfaces to interact with the mechatronic system with the specific aim of monitoring and control. Topics include: transducers, motors and actuators I/O and signaling, signal transmission philosophy and design, conducting user studies, evaluation techniques, information structure, and programming for interactive systems. Labview and Simulink interface software development packages are used.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course will provide students with an overview of how different hardware components are inter-connected and how embedded systems are programmed. Students will learn how to determine the functions of given function units, and construct small scale logic circuits based on their functional specifications. Students will also learn to explain the stages involved in decoding and executing instructions, to illustrate basic concepts of interfacing to external devices, and to compare different set architectures. Students will study how to do programming for real-time embedded systems.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course reinforces students’ skills in solid modelling and expands into computational simulation. Utilizing advanced CAD/CAM/CAE simulation software such as SolidWorks, CATIA, Altair Hyperworks, ANSYS Workbench, and Stratsys Insight 3D printing software, and in a controlled environment, students engage in developing skills required to work in today’s industrial and integrated computer-aided product development. The course focuses on a hands-on approach to product innovation and the effective use of computational simulation technology. The course covers aspects of structural and mechanical CAE/FEA as well as thermal management CAE/CFD simulations when designing intelligent mechatronics products.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course provides an overview on how to start and sustain a technology-oriented company.  Topics discussed will include the role of technology in society, intellectual property, business feasibility studies, financial planning, sources of capital, business structure, marketing, operational and human resource management.  The focus will be on students as engineers-entrepreneurs with involvement from real life entrepreneurs as motivators and facilitators.  This course will use problem-based and experiential learning strategies to develop new ventures.  Students who produce a well-developed business idea from this course may be considered for approval to use this as the basis for their final year engineering design project.
Cross-listed with Computer Science 3840.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 3710
Three lecture hours per week

This introductory course considers current and promising future energy systems. Topics introduced include available resources, energy conversion technologies and end use applications and technologies. An emphasis is placed on understanding the needs of a future of global energy supply and its associated challenges. Students will develop a technical and analytical framework with which they can evaluate energy supply alternatives in the context of political, economic, environmental and social goals. Life cycle analysis is also considered. Topics introduced in this course may be covered in greater depth in other sustainable energy focus-area electives.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3710 must be completed or taken at least concurrently
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course explores the engineering of wind- and water-based renewable energy conversion technologies such as wind turbines, tidal turbines, wave energy converters, and hydroelectric dams. Students will develop an understanding of the current state of technology and gain an appreciation for related issues of resource assessment, stakeholder engagement, and environmental impact. The underlying fluid mechanics principles will be emphasized to appreciate device operating principles and performance drivers. The challenge of satisfying energy demand with intermittent supply will be reviewed to further contextualize the different resource potentials, and related fluid-based storage technologies will be discussed.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course covers the fundamentals of solar power generation and associated energy storage systems. Course emphasis surrounds the electrical nature of solar photovoltaic energy generation associated energy/power conversion and storage systems. Students will develop a technical understanding of the underlying core technologies as well as how the technologies are productized. Topics covered may include: Solar photovoltaic (PV) generation, electric power converters for solar PV, battery storage technology, off-grid solar power conversion systems and small solar home systems. Lab projects may consist of studying various scales of PV power products and technologies.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course covers fundamentals of thermodynamics, chemistry, flow and transport processes as applied to energy systems. Topics include analysis of energy conversion in thermochemical and thermomechanical processes as seen in existing power and transportation systems, and ways these processes may be improved in the future. Systems utilizing fossil fuels, biofuels, hydrogen, and other chemical energy sources, over a range of sizes and scales are discussed. Applications include fuel reforming, hydrogen and synthetic fuel production, combustion, thermal power cycles, fuel cells and catalysis. The course also deals with combustion emissions and environmental impacts, source utilization and fuel-life cycle analysis.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

Growing environmental problems created by unsustainable use of fossil resources is forcing us to move from a synthetic-based economy to a bio-based one. This introductory course will provide the fundamental skills in developing environmental technologies to enable students to pursue career opportunities in a range of industries. Looking into different resources available within the biosphere, students will learn to apply engineering knowledge for its sustainable use. Concepts of a bio-refinery will be introduced for developing fundamental understanding of integrated conversion processes (thermal, chemical and biological). Understanding the concepts of enzymatic and cellular kinetics, students will learn to design bioreactors. This course will also review the fundamental concepts of life-cycle analysis and explore the application of it to selected environmental projects.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3710 must be completed or taken at least concurrently
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course will focus on the understanding of the basic molecular structures of biological materials, such as wood, bioplastics, biocomposites and biofuels, and their engineering applications. It will develop the fundamental understanding of relationships between composition, structure and properties of various materials of biological origin. It will also address molecular design of new biological materials applying the molecular structural principles. The long-term goal of this course is to teach molecular design of new biological materials for a broad range of applications. A brief history of biological materials and its future perspective as well as its impact to the society will also be discussed.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course explores the fundamentals of soil mechanics and their applications in engineering practice. Students will develop an understanding about the physical properties of soils, and will examine the behavior of soil masses subjected to various forces. The list of topics to be covered in this course include: soil composition and texture, physical properties of soils, classification of soils, permeability and seepage, consolidation, settlement, shear strength, vertical stresses in soils, soil exploration, bearing capacity and slope stability of soils.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course advances student knowledge across the related fields of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer with an emphasis on engineering applications. Heat transfer topics include: flows with friction and heat exchange, steady and unsteady heat conduction, convection and radiation phenomena; and heat exchanger analysis.  Thermodynamic cycles topics include: internal combustion as it applies to power generation; air standard and vapour cycles; gas turbines; jet engine; and steam power plants.
PREREQUISITE:  Engineering 2620
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

Building on the work in previous design courses, this course is the first of a series of upper-year courses which simulates the practice of a professional engineer.  Following a design-build-test approach, students work in a team-based environment to deliver design solutions to real-world industrial clients.  Following best practices in project management and sustainability, students develop detailed project proposals, conceptual designs, and proofs of concepts within the ethical and safety considerations that are fundamental to the profession.  Concepts are further developed into operational prototypes in Engineering 3720.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 2220 with a grade of at least 60%, Engineering 2360, Engineering 2130, Engineering 2620, and Engineering 2830
Six lecture hours and six hours design studio per week

Continuing the work in Engineering 3710 and working closely with their external clients, students complete detailed designs of their concepts, build full-scale operational prototypes (where possible); carry out testing and validation of solutions in controlled laboratory and/or industrial environments (where possible), and present their final design solutions to their clients.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 3710 with a grade of at least 60%
Six lecture hours and six hours design studio per week

This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary field of systems engineering and a systems approach to analyzing complex problems. Specific subjects covered include: logistics, reliability, safety, performance, and risk management. Open-ended problems are used and students are expected to classify, categorize, and illustrate physical and functional relationships using schematic diagramming techniques. Modeling of performance is introduced, but is covered in greater depth in the systems dynamics course to follow. Systems considered in the course include human, ecological, transportation, communication, mechanical, electrical, and mechatronic. This course utilizes a problem-based experiential teaching method with a significant field component.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 2220
Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week

This course introduces the analysis and control of dynamic systems, with concepts and examples drawn from all disciplines. It includes development and analysis of differential equation models for mechanical, electrical, thermal, and fluid systems, including some sensors. Systems are primarily analyzed using Laplace transforms and computer simulation methods. Analysis concepts cover first, second, and higher order differential equations, transient characteristics, transfer functions, stability, dominance, and frequency response. Properties of systems include time constant, natural and damped frequency, and damping ratio.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 3220 and Engineering 3810
Three hours lecture and three hours lab per week

This course is an introduction to the most widely accepted project management practices in the workforce today. The student will learn the industrially accepted techniques associated with the management of time, cost, risk, and scope in order to achieve total project stakeholder satisfaction. The goal in this course is to prepare students with the most efficient and effective project management practices by applying these techniques to their graduate research work, and in so doing greatly increase their likelihood of managing successful projects during their careers.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8020.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

This course is an introduction to the most widely accepted engineering management practices in the workforce today. Through lectures, case studies, guest speakers, and facilitated discussion, students will develop managerial knowledge and skills and be exposed to a spectrum of corporate activities in the engineering environment. Topics presented in this course include strategic management of research and development, organizational management, knowledge, risk and IP management, new product development, globalization, ethics, project management in a technology-based organization. This course will focus on “management for future engineering leaders” and examine national guidelines, practice engineering team dynamics, apply quantitative quality and supply chain concepts, and present financial/accounting basics for engineers.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8021.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

In this course students will be exposed to and examine the concepts underlying sustainable design engineering as they pertain to engineering practice and in particular engineering research and the development of new technologies. Sustainable design engineering can be defined as an engineering design process which considers not only the key performance indicators and functional characteristics of the system being developed but also the environmental, social and economic context and impacts of the system. Recent advances in sustainability research have focused on the complex interactions between these areas, evolving from “green engineering” to a full consideration of sustainability. In order to develop sustainable solutions, engineers and researchers must be able to critically evaluate their work in this context. To this end, students will examine case studies and relevant readings on such topics as sustainability indicators, techno-economic and life cycle assessment, stakeholder engagement, real time technology assessment, engineering justice, and design for sustainability. While approaches for addressing the specific areas of environmental, social and economic sustainability will be covered, the focus of the course will be on the interactions between these areas. A key outcome of this course will be a paper critically examining the student’s research topic from the perspective of sustainable design engineering.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8030.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

User-centred design offers a powerful and systematic approach to understanding users and their needs and delivering effective design solutions in many domains including engineering, technology and health sciences. This course will introduce students to a variety of principles, practices and research methods for designing, developing and evaluating products, systems and solutions based on the users’ needs, and context. Students will learn human factors, ergonomics, cognitive and perceptual psychology principles for designing products, information displays and complex systems. Students will be exposed to various subjective and objective metrics and methods for evaluations and usability studies. Students will also be introduced to apply user-centred design for developing sustainable products and systems.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8031.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

This course focuses on the design, implementation, and analysis of engineering, scientific, and computer-based experiments. The course will examine the proper and scientific approach to experimentation, modeling, simulation, and analysis of data. Various designs are discussed, and their respective advantages and disadvantages are noted. Factorial designs and sensitivity analysis will be studied in detail because of its relevance to various industries. Use of software for designing and analyzing experiments will also be used. For experiments that involved mainly physical quantities and natural phenomena, techniques of dimensional analysis will also be introduced.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8040.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

This course will introduce students to the elements of a research project and will focus on quantitative research methodologies. Students will practice the planning, implementation, analysis, and documentation for a research project of their own design. Topics will include: performing a literature review, developing a hypothesis, creating a research plan, collecting data, analyzing the results, and compiling a research report. Students will use tools for quantitative data analysis and will explore reliability, validation, and verification concepts. Students will report findings in a technical presentation. The course encourages students to develop their research question and perform a sample experiment to apply lessons learned to their main research topic. Intellectual property rights and engineering ethics topics will be explored.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8050.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

This course focuses on the understanding of the physical processes underlying the energy conversion process from wind and solar energy. Students will have an advanced knowledge of aerodynamics and structural dynamics, and they will understand the main strategies used for controlling these machines over their complete operating range. A specific goal of the course is to provide students with a multidisciplinary vision on the physics of energy systems, and an understanding of the methods used for their modeling and simulation. A particular emphasis will be placed on design, and on the effects of design choices on the cost of energy.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8060.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

The course aims to provide the knowledge about the application of various optimization methods in designing energy infrastructure. The course starts with the introduction to various optimization algorithms. Thereafter, the integration of energy modeling and simulation with optimization algorithms will be demonstrated. This course will also cover the optimization of distributed energy systems using single and multi-objective optimization methods. Several minor projects will be introduced to formulate the energy system optimization problem deciding design variables, objectives, and constraints.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8061.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

The course is aimed to discuss the design considerations in designing solar buildings and neighborhoods. The course will start with the historical background of solar neighborhoods in modern and ancient history. Thereafter, passive solar design considerations in various small and large scale buildings will be discussed. Principles of solar design such as building site setting, building shape, building envelopes, active and passive based heating and cooling techniques will be introduced. The active electrical and thermal energy generation and storage strategies will be discussed. Energy modeling and simulation tools used for the assessment of solar access of various building will be demonstrated. Various case studies related to solar buildings and neighborhood will be taken for assignments. For the term project, incorporation of solar strategies for modifying existing Canadian buildings and neighborhoods will be assigned to groups of students.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8062.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

This broadly applicable course discusses global energy usage and exposes students to current trends in local and global sustainable energy initiatives (i.e., energy generation and storage) and applications. Present and future global energy consumption and related CO2 emissions are considered and discussed. Students will be exposed to and analyze case studies as well as develop and design their own globally relevant solution concepts. Students will ultimately gain an enhanced, quantitative appreciation for the challenges and opportunities related to global energy system decarbonization.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8063.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

This course is an examination of the properties and processing of novel, engineered materials for sustainable applications. Fundamental concepts of solid-state diffusion, phase transformations, amorphous-to-crystalline kinetics, rapid solidification – for nuclear energy, more electric generation, renewable energy systems, additive manufacturing, modeling and simulation of the nanoscale will be discussed. As well, the relationships between the performance of electrical, optical, and magnetic devices and the microstructural and defect characteristics of the materials from which they are constructed will be explored. Focusing on functional materials for emerging technologies and emphasizing a device-design approach, applications will center around current research in the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8070.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

This course focuses on computer vision with an emphasis on techniques for automated inspection, object recognition, mechanical metrology, and robotics. Image processing courses typically focus for image enhancement, restoration, filtering, smoothing, etc. These topics will be covered to a certain degree but the main focus will be on image segmentation, feature extraction, morphological operators, recognition and photogrammetry. Issues related to the efficient software implementation of these techniques for real-time applications will also be addressed.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8080.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

advanced design tools are used pragmatically in engineering practice in the mechatronics field. This course explores current topics of modern mechatronics, from the application of complex systems through dimensionality reduction, machine learning, and dynamical systems modelling to innovative methods and algorithms such as augmented reality, medical image analysis, and automated mapping of environments. Above all, this course is designed to entice students to think, ask questions of existing theory, and understand the essence of mechatronics systems. To this end, students will develop and implement practical, hands-on-with-hardware applications of the control system analysis and design principles that are the subject matter of their research. The findings and results of this project will be presented in the format of a manuscript that incorporates the research methodology, their final product, and critical thinking over the mechatronic topic.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8081.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

This course focuses on advanced concepts in understanding biofuels and bioenergy systems, renewable feedstocks, their production, availability and attributes for biofuel/bioenergy production, types of biomass derived fuels and energy, thermochemical conversion of biomass to heat, power and fuel, biochemical conversion of biomass to fuel environmental aspects of biofuel production, economics and life-cycle analysis of biofuel, and value adding of biofuel residues. Students will analyze, as well as prepare, case studies on biofuel production.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8100.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

THE quest for food security, renewable energy, climate change and demand for sustainable fuels has increased focus on biomass conversion and technological interventions to cope with these challenges. This course covers advanced topics in bioresource engineering to acquire an understanding of sustainability challenges in bioresource sector and propose optimal climate smart solutions by implementing technologies and processes. The course is delivered in three complementary modules: i) deep learning and artificial intelligence for sustainable food production, ii) biofuels and biomaterials, and iii) the design of biomass conversion reactors.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8101.  Objectives, assessment and outcomes will be commensurate with the undergraduate level.
PREREQUISITE:  Permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours per week

This course provides an individual assessment of the students’ engineering knowledge to date in the context of their assigned industry-sponsored project. Students in consultation with faculty will determine knowledge and skill requirements of their project and develop a study and experimentation plan to fill gaps in the students’ knowledge and experience. The content of the course will be customized to each student and his or her individual needs.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 4710 must be taken concurrently
Three lecture hours per week

This course concentrates on manufacturing knowledge with a focus on advanced fabrication techniques (AFT) and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). Students will expand their knowledge of traditional processes including CAD/CAM, forming, welding, milling, etc. leading into innovative advanced fabrication techniques in additive and precision manufacturing, next generation electronics, robotics and smart automation (CIM), and sustainable and green manufacturing modeling and simulation in the manufacturing process developed through lectures and labs. Integration of CIM into supply chain design and management is emphasized based on synergistic application of mechatronics approach and philosophy.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8310.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540; and Engineering 2360
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course will provide students with an overview of system modelling and control methodologies of single/multiple input/output systems, e.g., energy transport control, reactor control, heat exchanger control, power production, and mechatronic systems. Students will learn classical control methods e.g., feedforward, feedbacks, cascade, decoupling to modern control methods, LQR, predictive control, optimal and robust control. Students will be equipped with knowledge and skills for analyzing stability, controllability and observability of state-space representation modelled systems.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8320.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540; and Engineering 3820
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course provides an overview of the subdisciplines that are included in field of biomedical engineering. Through a hands-on approach, the course introduces topics including biotransport, bioelectrical phenomena, bioinstrumentation, biomechanics, diagnostic devices, medical imaging, rehabilitation, biomaterials, tissue engineering, biosensors, lab-on-a-chip and micro- and nano-technology. The course also introduces the basics of medical device regulations and ethics of medical instrumentation. Students will gain an appreciation for the collaborative, interdisciplinary nature of engineering in medicine and its potential impact on society.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8330 (Graduate-level project will be defined).
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3710
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course advances the fundamentals of robotics through exposure to in-depth knowledge and understanding of kinematics, dynamics, control and trajectory with applications to autonomous vehicles, automated manufacturing and processing and mobile robotics. Areas of interest include: position transformation and control, rigid body motion, kinematic control, compliance and force control.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8350
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course covers the analysis and design of basic hydraulic and pneumatic circuits and systems. Topics include a review of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics including flow through valves, fittings, and pipe; classification of hydrostatic pumps and motors; control valves; hydraulic accumulators; sizing of practical hydraulic circuits; thermal and energy considerations; electrohydraulic control and modeling of hydraulic control systems. The latter part of the course focuses on pneumatic systems including pneumatic cylinders and motors, control valves, and compressor technology. The application of Programmable Logic Controls (PLCs) to industrial automation and the sequential control of pneumatic actuators is also addressed.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8370
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540; and Engineering 3820
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course covers methods for analyzing energy supply, conversion processes, and end-use at the system level. Aspects considered include the dynamics of energy supply and demand, efficiencies of energy conversion, characteristics of energy currencies, and energy needs across different sectors. Students will characterize methods of delivering energy services such as heat, light, industrial power and transportation. Energy analysis will be introduced and used to build a quantitative framework for integrating techno-economic analysis of energy system components, with emphasis on elements such as fossil fuels and nuclear power. Students will gain an enhanced, quantitative appreciation for the sustainability, emissions, cost and energy intensity aspects of energy services delivery.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8410.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540

This course considers advanced technical analysis of energy storage systems. A comprehensive overview of all industrially relevant energy storage systems is reviewed and emphasis is placed on promising energy storage technologies of the future. Chemical, thermal and kinetic storage technologies will be discussed in detail.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8440.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course is an introduction to the loads applied on structures from wind, waves, and currents, and their heightened relevance to structures designed for energy conversion. Phenomena to be discussed include lift and drag, boundary layers, vortex-induced vibrations, wakes, hydrostatic loading, and water waves. A selection of engineering methods will be introduced and brought to bear on these topics, such as potential flow theory, blade-element theory, Airy wave theory and Morison’s equation. Dimensional analysis will be introduced to characterize flow problems. Design implications will be discussed for a selection of relevant energy conversion structures such as aircraft wings, wind turbines, breakwaters, marine vessels, and offshore energy platforms.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8450.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course focuses on the concept, operation and optimization of renewable-energy-based micro-grids. Concepts introduced and considered include renewable energy resources, integration technologies, grid-connected operation, islanded grid operation, energy storage integration and the optimal dimensioning and mixing of multiple energy sources where some are stochastic in nature and some are dispatchable. Existing and future energy storage technologies will be also be discussed. This course is based on energy flow analysis and makes extensive use of software simulation tools. Students will develop a framework for performing techno-economic assessments of micro-grid architectures and designs. A strong background in electrical power systems is not necessarily required.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8470.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course covers the theory and practice of geoinformatics and their applications to problems in bioresources using digital mapping and spatial analysis. Hands on laboratories will provide students with an experience to collect georeferenced data using differential global positioning system, followed by mapping and analysis in geographical information system. Topics include datums, map projections and transformations, vector and raster data, geo-spatial analysis, geo-statistics and interpolation techniques. This course will also cover the fundamentals of remote sensing, data collection with sensors, and spatial and temporal aspects of the bio-resources attributes.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8510.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course highlights the fundamentals of mechanized agriculture machinery from soil preparation, planting, and crop management to mechanical harvesting. The machines and their unit operation are analyzed with respect functions, work rates, material flow and power usage. The machine performance relating to work quality and environmental effects will also be evaluated. The labs will emphasize on safety, basic maintenance, adjustment, calibrations of equipment and performance testing. This course also covers the variable rate applicators for site-specific application of inputs, auto guidance system, data acquisition and management for intelligent decision making for machines, and precision agriculture technologies.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8530.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

The basic topics covered in this course may include fermentation, engineering of reactor, natural products purification and their applications in biotechnology sector. The students will learn basic concepts of chemical and biochemical techniques required for the development and purification of materials in biotechnological, biochemical and pharmaceutical industries. The design of fermenters and biological reactors and their modification to improve the industrial applications will be discussed. The design of reactors in context of mass and energy balances will be evaluated and downstream unit processes involved in product  recovery will be presented.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8550.
PREREQUISITES: Engineering 3340, 3440, or 3540
Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week

This course engages students in implementing the engineering design process and using product management and development tools. Student design teams work closely with industry partners to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to meet global challenges. Additionally, this course emphasizes the role of analysis, simulation and modeling in engineering design. Students further develop their professional and technical skills through activity-, project- and problem-based learning. Through the application of appropriate frameworks to their projects, students gain an appreciation for best practices and ethical behavior as well as an awareness of the role of engineers in society, in particular the concepts of engineering leadership and sustainable design.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 3720 with a grade of at least 60%, Engineering 3270, Engineering 3630, Engineering 3820 and Engineering 3430.  Engineering 4210 must be taken concurrently.
Six lecture hours and six design studio hours per week

This course engages students in implementing the engineering design process and using product management and development tools. Student design teams work closely with industry partners to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to meet global challenges. Additionally, this course emphasizes the role of prototyping and manufacturing, testing and verification, design of experiments, optimization and feasibility.  Students further develop their professional and technical skills through activity-, project- and problem-based learning. Through the application of appropriate frameworks to their projects, students gain an appreciation for best practices and ethical behavior as well as an awareness of the role of engineers in society, in particular the concepts of engineering leadership and sustainable design.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 4710 with a grade of at least 60%
Six hours of lecture and six hours of design studio per week

Available to advanced engineering students at the discretion of the department. Entry to the course, course content, and the conditions under which the course may be offered will be subject to the approval of the Chair of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty. (See Academic Regulation 9 for Regulations Governing Directed Studies.)

This course is an introduction to the basics of viewing, processing, and analyzing of biosignals, or signals originating from living beings. Biosignals may be characterized as bioelectrical signals which can be composed of both electrical and non-electrical parts. Topics include both linear and nonlinear systems, signal conditioning or filtering, improving signal quality (signal-to-noise ratio) through averaging techniques, and signal representations in both the time and frequency domains.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8830.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 3220
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

This course engages students in technology development and commercialization. Teams of students work closely as startup companies to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to meet global challenges. Teams will be supported by instructors and industry mentors and will have access to dedicated incubator space, lab equipment and manufacturing facilities to complete their projects. Students further develop their entrepreneurial, professional and technical skills through completing the necessary steps to commercialize their new innovative technologies and products. The course will focus on learning and applying various aspects of validation, incubation and business strategy development including lean startup, design for commercialization, design for certification, manufacturing and distribution planning, investor relations, business growth planning and corporate sustainability.
Cross-level listed with SDE 8840.
PREREQUISITE: ENGN 3430; ENGN 4710 must be completed or taken concurrently or permission of the instructor
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

This course covers the numerical methods that form the basis of many engineering techniques and applies these methods to quantitative engineering design. The fundamentals of numerical approaches are reviewed, including iteration, approximation, and numerical errors. Methods are presented for numerical integration, differentiation, and nonlinear equation solving. Numerical approaches to solving differential equations are examined and their applications to numerical modelling, including finite-element analysis and computation fluid dynamics, are explored. Computational approaches to frequency-domain analysis using discrete Fourier transforms are introduced, along with related topics such as digital filtering and numerical convolution. Algorithms are presented for array and matrix computation, solving systems of equations, regression, curve fitting, and numerical optimization. Finally, these computational techniques are brought to bear on the topic of design optimization, emphasizing the transformation of real-world engineering design problems into quantitative formulations to which computational design optimization techniques can be applied.
PREREQUISITE: Engineering 1310, Engineering 3720, and Math 3010
Three lecture hours and three lab hours per week

This course provides students with an opportunity to pursue special topics in engineering. The course content and its offering in any one semester will be at the discretion of the Department. Interested students should contact the Department to confirm the details of the course and its offering.


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