About the University of Prince Edward Island

10 Faculty and Academic Officers



Abbas, Farhat, PhD (Newcastle University UK)
Adjunct Professor of School of Climate Change and Adaptation

Acharya, Bishnu, BEng (Institute of Engineering Nepal), MEng (Asian Institute of Technology), PhD (Dalhousie)
Adjunct Professor of School of Climate Change and Adaptation

Adamsson, Jay, BSc (Dalhousie), MSc (Ottawa), PhD (Carleton)
Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Adeyanju, Charles, BA, (Nigeria), BA (York), MA (Guelph), PhD (McMaster)
Associate Professor of Sociology & Anthropology

Ahmed, Marya, BSc, MSc (Laurentian), PhD (Alberta)
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Engineering

Altman, Jennifer, MA (California State), MA, PhD (University of Louisville)
Assistant Professor of Psychology

Alvarez, Alexander, BSc, MSc (Cuba), PhD (France)
Assistant Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Antadze, Nino, BSc (Tbilisi, Georgia), MSc (Lund, Sweden), MSc (CEU, Hungary), PhD (Waterloo)
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies

Arfken, Michael E., BA (Texas), PhD (Tennessee)
Associate Professor of Psychology

Arias de Sanchez, Gabriela, BEd (Rio Cuarto, Argentina), MEd, PhD (UPEI)
Assistant Professor of Education

Augustine, Patrick, PhD (Carleton)
Assistant Professor,  School of Climate Change and Adaptation


Badescu, Sanda, BA, BSc (Timisoara), MA, PhD (UWO)
Associate Professor of French

Baker, Joseph, BPhEd, MEd (Brock), PhD (Queen’s)
Adjunct Professor of Applied Human Sciences

Barabé, Denis, BSc, MSc (Montréal)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Barkema, Herman, DVM, MSc, PhD (Utrecht)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Bastante, Pamela, BA, MA (Simon Fraser), PhD (British Columbia)
Associate Professor of Modern Languages

Bateman, Scott, BSc (UPEI), MSc, PhD (Saskatchewan)
Adjunct Professor of Mathematical & Computational Sciences

Behzadan, Nazanin, BA (Alzahra University), MA (York), PhD (Ryerson)
Assistant Professor of Economics

Bell, Brandi, BA (Hons)(Ottawa), MA (Simon Fraser) PhD (Concordia)
Adjunct Professor of Nursing

Benlamri, Rachid, BSc (University of Constantino Algeria), MSc, PhD (University of Manchester UK)
Adjunct Professor of School of Climate Change and Adaptation

Bernard, Paul, BSc, PhD (UPEI)
Assistant Professor of Physiology

Berrue, Fabrice, MSc (Manchester), MSc (Montpellier), PhD (Univ. de Nice-Sophia Antipolis)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Bethell, Richard, BA, PhD (New Brunswick), Post-Doctoral Fellow (Calgary)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Bissessur, Rabin, BSc (Manitoba), MSc (Rochester), PhD (Michigan State)
Professor of Chemistry

Blake, Elizabeth, BA, BEd (New Brunswick), MEd (UPEI)
Assistant Professor in Education

Bolufe-Rohler, Antonio, BSc, MMath, PhD (Universidad de la Habana)
Assistant Professor of Mathematical & Computational Sciences

Bourassi, Emilia, DVM (France), MSc (UPEI), Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Small Animal)
Assistant Professor of Small Animal Medicine

Bourque, Andrea, BSc (NSAC), DVM, MVSc (UPEI), Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Bourque, Laura, BSc (Mt. A), MSc, DVM (UPEI), DVSc (Guelph), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Braceland, Mark, BSc, PhD (Glasgow)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Braithwaite, Ann, BA (Concordia), MA (McGill), PhD (Rochester)
Professor of Diversity and Social Justice Studies

Bressan, Nadja, BSc (Universidade de Caxias do Sul), MSc, PhD (University of Porto)
Assistant Professor of Engineering

Brinklow, Laurie, BEd (UBC), BA (Victoria), MA (UPEI), PhD (Tasmania)
Assistant Professor of the Institute of Island Studies

Brown, Carolyn Peach, BSc (Hon) (Acadia), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Cornell)
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies

Brown, Susan, BA (Dalhousie), MA (Guelph), PhD (Oxford)
Associate Professor of History

Bryanton, Janet, BScN (UNB), MN (Dalhousie), PhD (McGill)
Professor Emerita and Adjunct Professor of Nursing

Budu-Amoako, Ebo, BSc (Ghana), MSc (Calgary), PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Buote, Melanie, DVM, PhD (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Assistant Professor of Anatomic Pathology

Burka, John F., BSc (Toronto), MSc, PhD (Guelph)
Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Sciences

Burke, Maxim R., BSc (Moncton), MSc, PhD (Toronto)
Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Burns Murphy, Jennifer, BSc, MSc, DVM (UPEI), Diplomate American Board of Veterinary Practitioners – Equine
Assistant Professor of Equine Ambulatory & Reproductive Services

Burns, Margie, BScN (UNB), MN (Dalhousie), PhD (McGill)
Assistant Professor of Nursing

Burns, Patrick, BVSc (Australia), MANZCS, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Anesthesia & Analgesia
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Burton, Shelley, DVM (Saskatchewan), MSc (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Professor of Clinical Pathology

Butler, Stephen, BA, BSc (Trent), PhD (Ottawa)
Professor of Psychology

Cai, Wenlong, MSc, PhD (Auburn)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology & Microbiology

Cairns, David, PhD (Carleton)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Cameron, Marguerite, BSc, DVM, PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Câmpeanu, Cezar, MSc, PhD (Bucharest)
Professor of Mathematical & Computational Sciences

Carey, Anne Marie, DVM (UPEI)
Lecturer in Community Practice

Carroll, Timothy E., BBA (UPEI), MBA (Saskatchewan)
Associate Professor of Business Administration

Carrothers, Andrew, BScEE (UNB), MBA, PhD (McMaster), CFA, PEng.
Associate Professor of Business Administration

Cartmell, Christopher, BSc (Bangor), PhD (St. Andrews)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Cassidy, Christine, BScN (Prince Edward Island), MN (Dalhousie), PhD (Dalhousie)
Adjunct Professor of Nursing

Ceballos, Alejandro, DVM (Caldas, Columbia), MSc (Austral de Chile), PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Champion, Stephen, BSc, MEng (UNB), MBA (Dalhousie)
Assistant Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Charlton, Patricia, BSc (St. Francis Xavier) MEd (St. Francis Xavier) PhD (New Brunswick)
Adjunct Professor of Nursing

Chen, Xiao, BPhil (Sun Yat-Sen), MA (Michigan), PhD (Toronto)
Assistant Professor of Business

Cheverie, J. Charles, BA (SDU), MSc, PhD (CUA)
Professor Emeritus of Biology

Chilton, Lisa, BA, MA, PhD (York)
Professor of History

Christensen, Jette, DVM, PhD (Royal Veterinary and Aquaculture University)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Chung, Edward Y. J., BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)
Professor of Religious Studies

Clancey, Noel, BSc (Mt. St. Vincent), DVM, MVSc (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology

Clark, Fraser, MSc (Queen’s), PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Clark, Larry, BS (Florida), MA (New Hampshire), PhD (Simon Fraser)
Adjunct Professor of Economics

Cockram, Michael, BVM (London), PhD (Liverpool), Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Professor of Animal Welfare

Cohen, Annabel, BA (McGill), ARCT (Royal Conservatory of Music), MA, PhD (Queen’s)
Professor of Psychology

Coll, Doreley Carolina, BA, MA (Alberta), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies

Comeau, Luc, BSc (Moncton), MSc (Quebec), PhD (Dalhousie)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Compton, Sharon, BSc, MEd (Alabama), PhD (Alberta)
Adjunct Professor of Applied Human Sciences

Conboy, Gary A., BSc, DVM, PhD (Minnesota), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Microbiologists
Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Pathology & Microbiology

Côté, Etienne, BSc (Rutgers), DVM (Cornell), American College Veterinary Internal Medicine and ACVIM (Cardiology)
Professor of Small Animal Medicine and Cardiology

Courtenay, Simon, BSc, MSc (Western Ontario), PhD (UBC)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Courtenay-Hall, Pamela, BA, BEd, MA (Windsor), MA (Notre Dame), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of Philosophy

Couture, Anthony, BA, MA (Windsor), PhD (McMaster)
Associate Professor of Philosophy

Crane, Brownyn, DVM (UPEI), MS (Florida), Diplomate American College of Theriogenologists
Associate Professor of Health Management

Creighton, Catherine, DVM (UPEI), MSc (UPEI), Diplomate American College Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Crook, Alice, BSc (Bishops), DVM (Guelph)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Cusack, Lara, BSc., DVM (AVC)
Assistant Professor of Zoo, Exotic & Wildlife Animal Medicine


Dallmeier, Fransisco, BSc (Central University), MSc, PhD (Colorado State)
Adjunct Professor of School of Climate Change and Adaptation

Daoud, Dounia, MSc (Claude Bernard University Lyon), PhD (Universite du Quebec)
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Daoust, Pierre-Yves, DVM (Montreal), PhD (Saskatchewan), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Pathology & Microbiology

Davidson, T. Jeffrey, DVM (Guelph), MSc (UPEI)
Professor of Large Animal Ambulatory

Davies, Michael H., BSc, MSc, PhD (Queens)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Dawson, Susan D., BA (Rutgers), PhD (Pennsylvania)
Professor of Anatomy

Dennis, Robert H., BA (Queen’s), MA (Memorial), MA (UNB), PhD (Queen’s)
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies

Desserud, Donald, BA, MA (Dalhousie), MA (UNB), PhD (Western Ontario)
Professor of Political Science

Di Santo, Aurelia, MA, PhD (Toronto)
Adjunct Professor of Education

Dohoo, Ian R., DVM, PhD (Guelph)
Professor Emeritus of Health Management

Doiron, Jason, BA (Hons) (UPEI), PhD (New Brunswick)
Associate Professor of Psychology

Doiron, Raymond, BA, BEd (UPEI), MA, PhD (UBC)
Professor Emeritus of Education

Doran, Gregory, BA (Western Ontario), MA, PhD (UNB)
Professor of English

Doran, John, BA (George Mason), MA, PhD (Toronto)
Assistant Professor of Education

Dorsey, Inge, BA (UPEI), BEd (Mount Saint Vincent), MEd (St. Mary’s)
Lecturer University 100

Doucette, Tracy, BA, PhD (UPEI)
Associate Professor of Psychology

Dowbiggin, Ian, BA (McMaster), MA (Toronto), PhD (Rochester)
Professor of History

Doyle, Aimie, DVM (UPEI), MSc (Illinois), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Associate Professor of Large Animal Surgery

Drake, M. Patrice, BSc (UPEI), Nursing Diploma (PEI School of Nursing), BN (UNB), MN (Memorial)
Assistant Professor of Nursing

Duffy, J. Regis, BA (SDU), MSc, PhD (Fordham)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Dufour, Simon, DVM, PhD (Montreal)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Dumas, Andre, BSc (Quebec), MSc (Laval), PhD, (Guelph)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Dundas, James, BSc, DVM (Michigan), MVSc (Saskatchewan), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Assistant Professor of Small Animal Surgery

Elce, Yvonne, DVM (Guelph), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Associate Professor of Health Management

ElSohaby, Ibrahim, BVSc, MVSc (Egypt), PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Epperly, Elizabeth, BA (UPEI), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (London)
Professor Emeritus of English

Erskine, Ronald, BSc, DVM (Illinois), MS, PhD (Pennsylvania)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Etkin, Nola, BSc (Ottawa), PhD (Alberta)
Professor of Chemistry

Evans, Gary, Dip CS, BA, HBComm, MBA (Windsor), PhD (Liverpool John Moores University)
Professor of Business Administration


Farooque, Aitazaz, BEng (Pakistan), MSc, PhD (Dalhousie)
Associate Professor of School of Climate Change and Adaptation

Fast, Mark, BSc (Dalhousie), MSc (UPEI), PhD (Dalhousie)
Professor of Fish Health

Fenech, Adam, BA (Hons) (Toronto), MES (York), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of School of Climate Change and Adaptation

Finch, Sarah, BSc (Manitoba), MSc (McGill), PhD (Saskatchewan), RD
Assistant Professor of Foods & Nutrition

Fitzgerald, Anne Marie, BA. BEd (Western Ontario), MED (College of New Jersey), EdD (Lehigh)
Assistant Professor of Education

Fitzpatrick, Shannon, BSc (St. Mary’s), MMath (Waterloo), PhD (Dalhousie)
Associate Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Fofana, Bourlaye, MSc, PhD (Belgium)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Foley, Peter, BSc (UPEI), MSc (Acadia), DVM (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Associate Professor of Small Animal Medicine

Foster, Adam, BSc (Simon Fraser), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Simon Fraser)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Fraser, Russell, BSc, DVM (Guelph), MSc (Edinburgh), DVSc, PhD (Guelph), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Assistant Professor of Anatomic Pathology

Furlong, Anne, BA (Memorial), PhD (University College, London)
Associate Professor of English


Gabriel, Martha, BA (Toronto), MEd (MSVU), PhD (Ottawa)
Professor Emerita of Education

Gardner, Ian, BVSc (Australia), MPVM, PhD (Davis)
Professor Emeritus of Health Management

Garland-Baird, Lisa, BScN (UPEI), MN (Dalhousie), PhD ((Alberta)
Adjunct Professor of Nursing

Gauthier, Rachelle, BEd, MEd (UPEI), PhD (Moncton)
Assistant Professor of Education

Germain, Gilbert, BA, MA (Carleton), PhD (Notre Dame)
Professor of Political Science

Giberson, Donna J., BSc (Calgary), MSc, PhD (Manitoba)
Professor Emerita of Biology

Gill, Daphne, BA (Hons), PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Gilmour, Robert, PhD (Syracuse, New York)
Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Gilroy, Cornelia, DVM, MVSc (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology

Gitau, George, BVM (Nairobi), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Nairobi)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Godbout, Andrew, MSc, PhD (Calgary)
Assistant Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Goddard, J. Tim, BEd, MEd (Saskatchewan), PhD (Calgary)
Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Education

Gottschall-Pass, Katherine, BSc (St. FX), PhD (Saskatchewan), RD
Professor of Foods & Nutrition

Graham, Catherine, DVM, MVSc (Saskatchewan), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Adjunct Professor of Pathology & Microbiology

Graham, Susan, BBA (UPEI), MBA, MPA (Dalhousie), EdD (Phoenix)
Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Grant, Jon, BSc (Duke), PhD (South Carolina)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Gray, Frances M., AMus, BMus (McGill), MMus, DMus (Indiana)
Professor Emerita of Music

Greenwood, Spencer, BSc, MSc (Guelph), PhD (Dalhousie), DVM (Guelph)
Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Greer, Scott, BA (Memphis), MS, PhD (York)
Associate Professor of Psychology

Groman, David B., BA (Lafayette), MSc (Connecticut), PhD (Idaho)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Guo, Linyuan, BA (China), MEd, PhD (Alberta)
Associate Professor of Education

Haileslassie, Hiwot Abebe, BSc, MSc (Ethiopia), PhD (Saskatchewan)
Assistant Professor of Applied Human Sciences

Hale, Lawrence R., BSc (Simon Fraser), PhD (McMaster)
Associate Professor of Biology

Haltli, Brad, BSc (Thompson Rivers), MSc (Dalhousie)
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Hamilton, Stephanie M., BSc (Williamsburg), DVM, MVSc (Virginia Tech), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Hammell, K. Lawrence, BSc, DVM (Guelph), MSc (UPEI)
Professor of Fish Health

Hanna, Paul, DVM (Guelph), MSc (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Adjunct Professor of Pathology & Microbiology

Hartwig, Sunny, BSc, MSc, PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Heider, Lawrence E., DVM (Ohio State), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Medicine

Heider, Luke, DVM (UPEI), PhD (Ohio State), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Assistant Professor of Ruminant Farm Service and Public Health

Herbert, Rosemary J., BN, RN, MN (Dalhousie), PhD (McGill)
Adjunct Professor of Nursing

Hewko, Sarah, BSc, MHA (UBC), PhD (Alberta), RD
Assistant Professor of Foods & Nutrition

Hickey, David, BA (UPEI), MA (UNB), PhD (Western)
Assistant Professor of Applied Communication, Leadership and Culture

Hoddinott, Katie, BSc (Dalhousie), DVM (UPEI), DVSc (Guelph), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgery
Assistant Professor of Small Animal Surgery

Hoersting, Raquel, BA (Universidad San Francisco de Quito), MS, PhD (North Texas)
Assistant Professor in Psychology

Hori, Tiago, BSc, BEd, MSc (Sao Carlos), PhD (Memorial)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Horrocks, David, G. C., BMath, MMath, PhD (Waterloo)
Associate Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Hsiao, Amy, BSc (Massachusetts), MS, PhD (Carnegie), MBA (Memorial)
Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Hu, Yulin, BSc (Jilin, China), MSc (McGill University, QC), PhD (Western University, ON)
Assistant Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Hudson, Amanda, BSc (UPEI), MSc, PhD (Dalhousie)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Hurnik, Daniel, DVM (Guelph), MSc (UPEI)
Professor of Ambulatory/Swine

Hurta, Robert, BA, BSc, MSc, PhD (Manitoba)
Professor of Biology


Igboeli, Okechukwu, DVM, MSc (Nigeria), PhD, MBA (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Islam, Shafiqul, BSc, MSc (Dhaka), MSc, PhD (Concordia)
Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

James, Melissa, BA (UPEI), MBA (Windsor), PhD (Lancaster)
Associate Professor of Business Administration

Jelley, Blake, BA, MA, PhD (Western)
Professor of Business Administration

Jia, Ye, BA, MA, PhD (Western)
Associate Professor of Economics

John, Emily, BSc (Victoria), DVM (Saskatoon), MSc (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Assistant Professor of Large Animal Medicine

Johnson, Gerald, DVM (Guelph), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists, Veterinary Aquatic Studies
Professor Emeritus of Pathology and Microbiology

Johnson, Stewart, BSc (Victoria), MSc (Dalhousie), PhD (Simon Fraser)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Jones, Megan, BSc (Kings, Dalhousie), DVM (UPEI), PhD (Georgia), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Assistant Professor Wildlife Anatomic Pathology


Kakeu, Justin, BA, MA (Dschang), MA (ENSEA), PhD (Montréal)
Assistant Professor in Economics

Kamunde, Collins, BVM, MSc (Nairobi), PhD (Ontario)
Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Keefe, Gregory, BSc (NSAC), DVM (Guelph), MSc (UPEI)
Professor of Farm Service

Khedhiri, Sami, PhD (USC, Los Angeles)
Associate Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Kibenge, Frederick S. B., BVM (Makerere), PhD (Murdoch), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Microbiologists
Professor of Virology

Kibenge, Molly, BVM (Makerere), MSc, PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Kilfoil, Maria, PhD (Memorial)
Associate Professor of Physics

Kirby, Christopher, BSc (Dalhousie), MSc, PhD (Waterloo)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Klassen, Greg, BSc, MSc (Guelph), PhD (Toronto)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Kolahgar, Sam, MSc (Shahid Beheshti University), MBA (Northern Iowa)
Assistant Professor of Business

Koritansky, Peter, BA (The Catholic University of America), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of Religious Studies

Krause, Jürgen, MSc, PhD (Germany)
Professor of Business Administration

Krautwurst, Udo, BA, MA (Manitoba), PhD (Connecticut)
Associate Professor in Sociology & Anthropology

Kujundzic, Nebojsa, BA, MA (Sarajevo), PhD (Waterloo)
Professor of Philosophy

Kulijeet, Grewal, B.Eng, M.Eng (Patlala India), PhD (Ropar, India)
Assistant Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering


Lacroix, Christian R., BSc, MSc (McGill), PhD (Guelph)
Professor of Biology

Lamont, Leigh, DVM (Guelph), MSc (Illinois), Diplomate American College Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia
Professor of Anesthesiology

Landry, Stephanie, BSc (McGill), DVM (UPEI)
Lecturer of Small Animal Surgery

Landry, Thomas, BSc, MSc (Moncton)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Lavoie, Carlo, BA (UMCE), MA (UQAR), PhD (UWO)
Associate Professor of French

Lawther, Derek W., BSc, MSc, PhD (Dalhousie)
Associate Professor of Physics

LeBlanc, David C., BSc (UNB), MSc (UBC)
Associate Professor of Mathematical & Computational Sciences

Lee, Scott, BA (MUN), MA (Western), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of French

Lemm, Richard, BA (Simon Fraser), MA (Queen’s), PhD (Dalhousie)
Professor of English

Li, Xiang (Sean), BSc (Hua Zhong), PhD (Australia)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Liang, Lena Jigen, BEc, BA (China), MSc, PhD (Guelph)
Assistant Professor of Business

Ling, Kathy, BSc, DVM (UPEI)
Lecturer in Community Practice

Linkletter, Barry, BSc (UPEI), PhD (McGill)
Associate Professor of Chemistry

Liu, Michael T. H., BSc (SDU), MA (St. FX), PhD (Ottawa)
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Liu, Suqi, PhD (University of Ottawa)
Adjunct Professor of School of Climate Change and Adaptation

Lofstedt, Jeanne, BVSc (Pretoria), MS (Iowa), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

López, Alfonso, DVM (Tamaulipas, Mexico), MSc, PhD (Guelph)
Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Macartney, Gail, BScH (Queen’s), MSc(A) (McGill), NP (Toronto)
Assistant Professor of Nursing

McAuley, Alexander, BA (UNB), BEd, MA (Queen’s), EdD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of Education

McBurney, Scott, BSc Wildlife Biology (Guelph), DVM (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

McCallum, Jason, HBSc (Waterloo), PhD (Guelph)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

McClure, Carol, BA (Amherst College), DVM (Cornell), MVSc (Wisconsin-Madison), PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Nursing

McClure, J Trenton, DVM (Louisiana State), MSc (Wisconsin-Madison), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine—Large Animal
Professor of Large Animal Medicine

McConkey, Sandra, DVM (Guelph), PhD (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Pathology and Microbiology

MacDonald, Dany, BA (Bishop’s), MA, PhD (Queen’s)
Associate Professor of Kinesiology

MacDonald, Edward, BA (UPEI), MA, PhD (Queen’s)
Professor of History

MacDonald, Gordon W., BSc (Dalhousie), MSc, PhD (Toronto)
Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

MacDonald, Jo-Ann, BN (St. FX), MN (Dalhousie), PhD (McGill)
Professor of Nursing

MacDonald, Ron, BSc (UCCB), BEd, MEd (St. FX), PhD (South Australia)
Associate Professor of Education

McDuffee, Laurie, B.S. (Colorado), DVM (Colorado State), PhD (California), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Professor of Large Animal Surgery

MacFadyen, Joshua, BA (UPEI), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Guelph)
Associate Professor in Applied Communication, Leadership and Culture

MacFarlane, Amy, BBA (Acadia), CA (British Columbia)
Assistant Professor of Business Administration

McIntyre, John, BA (Simon Fraser), PhD (McGill)
Associate Professor of English

McIsaac, Michael, BSc (UPEI), MMath, PhD (Waterloo)
Associate Professor Mathematical & Computational Sciences

McKenna, Peter, BA, MA, PhD (Dalhousie)
Professor of Political Science

McKenna, Shawn, BSc, DVM, PhD (UPEI)
Professor of Ruminant Farm Service

McKenzie-Gopsill, Andrew, BSc-Hons (Trent), PhD (Guelph)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

MacKinnon, Stacey, BSc, MSc, PhD (Calgary)
Associate Professor of Psychology

MacLaine, Brent, BEd (UPEI), MA (East Anglia), PhD (UBC)
Professor Emeritus of English

MacLean, Jen, BSc, DVM (UPEI)
Lecturer of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging

MacLellan, Deborah, BSc (UPEI), MSc (Alberta), PhD (Saskatchewan)
Professor Emerita of Applied Health Sciences

MacLellan, Michael, BSc, MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Laval)
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology

MacMillan, Kathleen, BSc, MSc, DVM (UPEI), Diplomate American Board of Veterinary Practitioners – Equine
Associate Professor of Ambulatory Equine Service

McNiven, Mary A., BScAgr (Guelph), Agr. Dr. (Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

MacQuarrie, Colleen, BA (UPEI), MA (Carleton), PhD (Simon Fraser)
Professor of Psychology

MacQuarrie, Stephanie, BSc (Mt. Allison), PhD (Virginia Polytechnic Inst.)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

McRuer, David, BSc (Mt. A), MSc (Carleton), DVM (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Adjunct Professor of Pathology & Microbiology

McSorley, Grant, BEng (McGill University), PEng, PhD (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
Assistant Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Mady, Tarek, B.Comm (Alexandria University), MSc (Louisiana), PhD (Norfolk, Virginia)
Associate Professor of Business Administration

Marchbank, Douglas, BSc, PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Faculty of Chemistry

Markham, R.J. Frederick, BSc, PhD (Guelph)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Martin, Chelsea, DVM (UPEI), PhD (Ohio State), Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Associate Professor of Anatomic Pathology

Martinson, Shannon, BSc (UNB), DVM, MVSc (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Associate Professor of Anatomic Pathology

Mellish, Martha, DVM (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Theriogenologists
Assistant Professor of Equine Ambulatory

Mercer, Nicholas, PhD (U. of Waterloo)
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies/Island Studies

Messier, Philippe, BSc (Montreal), MA (Laval), PhD (McGill)
Assistant Professor of Sociology & Anthropology

Miller, Tess, BSc (York), BEd (Toronto), MEd, PhD (Queen’s)
Professor of Education

Milne, David, BA (Queen’s), MA, PhD (Toronto)
Professor Emeritus of Political Science

Mitchell, Jean, BA (UPEI), MA (Carleton), MA, PhD (York)
Associate Professor of Sociology & Anthropology

Moak, Peter, BSc (Massachusetts), BSc (Pennsylvania), DVM (Minnesota)
Assistant Professor of Small Animal Surgery

Moffatt, Lyndsay, BA (Hons), BEd (Toronto), MA, PhD (British Columbia)
Associate Professor of Education

Montelpare, William, BPHE (Hons) (Lakehead), MSc (Ottawa), PhD (Toronto)
Professor of Applied Human Sciences

Moran, James E., BA, MA, PhD (York)
Professor of History

Muckle, Anne, DVM, MSc, PhD (Guelph)
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Bacteriology

Muirhead, Tammy, BSc (NSAC), DVM, MSc (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Murphy, J. Patrick, BSc, MSc, PhD (Dalhousie)
Assistant Professor of Biology

Murray, Christina, BA, BScN (UPEI), MN, PhD (Alberta)
Associate Professor of Nursing

Murray, Malcolm, BA, MA, PhD (Waterloo)
Professor of Philosophy

Murray, Shannon, BA (Dalhousie), MA, PhD (Alberta)
Professor of English

Myers, Sharon, BA (Mt. Allison), MA (St. Mary’s), PhD (New Brunswick)
Assistant Professor of History


Nagarajan, Palanisamy, BA, MA (Mysore), PhD (Kansas)
Professor Emeritus of Economics

Naterer, Greg,
Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Nelson, Carolanne, BSc (Alberta), PhD (UBC)
Adjunct Professor of Applied Human Sciences

Neudorf, Cordell, BSc, MD (Saskatchewan), MHSc (Toronto)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Ngo, Trung Dung, MSc (Southern Denmark), PhD (Aalborg University)
Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Nguyen, Hai, BSc-Hons, MSc, PhD (University of Ottawa)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Nilsson, Thomy, BSc (Rensselear), MSc, PhD (Alberta)
Professor Emeritus of Psychology

Noronha, Christine, PhD (McGill)
Adjunct Professor of Biology


O’Brien, Debbi, BSc (UPEI), PhD (UNB) 
Clinical Psychologist

Ogilvie, Adam, BSc (Dalhousie), DVM (UPEI), DVSc (Guelph), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons – Small Animal
Associate Professor of Small Animal Surgery

Ogilvie, Timothy, DVM, MSc, LLD (Guelph), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Professor Emeritus of Health Management

O’Meara, Martha, MA, PhD (Universitat de València)
Assistant Professor of Psychology

Opps, Sheldon, BSc (Guelph), MSc (Toronto), PhD (Guelph)
Professor of Physics

Ortenburger, Arthur, BS (Bacteriology), BS (Vet Sci), DVM (Washington State), MS (Michigan State)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Osgood, Elizabeth, BSc (Arizona), MSc (Texas), PEng, PhD (Dalhousie)
Assistant Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

O’Sullivan, Lynne, DVM, (UPEI), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine – Cardiology
Professor of Cardiology

Overall, Karen, BA, MA, VMD (Pennsylvania), PhD (Wisconsin-Madison), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Behaviorists
Associate Professor of Health Management


Palmer, Stephanie, BSc, MSc (McGill University), PhD (University of Leicester)
Adjunct Professor of School of Climate Change and Adaptation

Patey, Ariana, BA (Hons) (Memorial), MA (School of Oriental and African Studies), PhD (Heythrop)
Visiting Assistant Professor in Religious Studies

Patterson, Michelle, BSc, PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Physics

Pearson, Jason, BSc, Btech (Cape Breton), PhD (Dalhousie)
Associate Professor of Chemistry

Peters, Rick, BSc (Guelph), BEd (Western Ontario), MSc, PhD (Guelph)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Peters, Wayne, DipEng (UPEI), BSc, MSc, PhD (UNB)
Associate Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Pettingill, Peter, BA (McMaster), MSW (Wilfred Laurier), MSc (McMaster)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Phillips, Nia L., BS (Mississippi), MA, PhD (Kansas)
Associate Professor of Psychology

Pittman, Jeremy, BSc, MSc (Regina), PhD (Waterloo)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Polson, James, BSc, MSc (Guelph), PhD (UBC)
Professor of Physics

Power, Christopher, BScHon, MSc, PhD (University of Western Ontario)
Associate Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Pratt, T. K., BA, MA (Toronto), PhD (London)
Professor Emeritus of English

Proudfoot, Kathryn, BSc (California), MSc, PhD (British Columbia)
Associate Professor of Health Management

Pye, Charlotte, BSc, DVM (UPEI), DVSc (Guelph), Diplomate American College of Veterinary Dermatology
Assistant Professor of Dermatology


Quail, Jacqueline, BSc, MSc (Saskatchewan), PhD (McGill)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Quantick, Robin, BA (Trent), BEd (Queens), MEd (Queens), PhD (Trent)
Adjunct Professor of Education

Quijon, Pedro, BSc, MSc (Chile), PhD (Memorial)
Associate Professor of Biology


Raab, Oriana, BA (Simon’s Rock College of Bard), DVM (St. George’s), MVSc (UPEI),
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Assistant Professor of Small Animal Medicine

Raiswell, Richard, BA (Carlton), MA, PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of History

Randall, James, BA, MA (York), PhD (Washington)
Professor Emeritus of Island Studies

Rankaduwa, Wimal, BA, MSc (Peradenyia), MA, PhD (Dalhousie)
Professor of Economics

Rashchupkina, Yuliya, BA, MA (Dahl East-Ukrainian University), MPA (Nebraska at Omaha), PhD (University of Massachusetts)
Assistant Professor of Political Science/Climate Change and Adaptation

Rath, Suzanne, BA (University of British Columbia), PhD (Queen’s University)
Assistant Professor of Business

Reed-Jones, Rebecca, BSc, MSc, PhD (Guelph)
Associate Professor of Kinesiology

Richards, Judy Lynn, BASc (Guelph), MA, PhD (Western Ontario)
Associate Professor of Sociology & Anthropology

Riley, Chris, BSc, BVSc, (Melbourne), MSc, PhD (Saskatchewan)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Riley, John, BSc (UNB), PhD (Dalhousie)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Ritter, Caroline, DVM (Hannover), PhD (Calgary)
Assistant Professor of Health Management

Riveroll, Angela, BSc, PhD (Dalhousie)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology & Microbiology/Climate Change and Adaptation

Robb, S. Andrew, BA (UBC), MA (Simon Fraser)
Professor Emeritus of History

Rodriquez-Lecompte, Juan Carlos, DVM, MSc (Columbia), PhD (UPEI)
Professor of Immunology

Rodgers, Marianne, BScH (Mt. Allison), PhD (Simon Fraser)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Ross, P. Joel, BSc (UNB), PhD (Ottawa)
Assistant Professor of Biology

Rossiter, Melissa, BSc (UPEI), MSc (MSVU), PhD (Guelph), RD
Associate Professor of Foods & Nutrition

Rowan, Carol, BA (Trent), Dip. Ed (Bishop’s), MA (Victoria), PhD (UNB)
Adjunct Professor of Education

Ryan, Catherine L., BSc (St. Mary’s), MA, PhD (Carleton)
Professor of Psychology


Saad, Nasser, BSc (Ain Shams), MSc, PhD (Concordia)
Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Saksida, Sonja, BSc, DVM, MSc (Guelph)
Assistant Professor of Health Management

Saksida, Tina, BSc (Hons), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of Business Administration

Sanchez, Javier, DVM (Rio Cuarto), PhD (UPEI)
Professor of Epidemiology

Saunders, Travis, BSc (Calgary), MSc (Queen’s), PhD (Ottawa)
Associate Professor of Kinesiology

Scarth, Katherine, BA (Dalhousie), BA (Hons), MA (Memorial), PhD (Warwick)
Associate Professor in Applied Communication, Leadership and Culture

Sentance, James, BA, MA, PhD (Carleton)
Associate Professor of Economics

Shaw, Darcy, DVM, MVSc (Saskatchewan), MBA (Royal Roads),
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Companion Animals

Shaw, Stephanie, B.Eng (McMaster), MASc, PhD (Guelph)
Assistant Professor of Sustainable Design Engineering

Shilton, Wendy, BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of English

Shin-Bouey, Sung Ha, BMus, OpDip (Toronto), MMus (Victoria)
Associate Professor of Music

Silva-Opps, Marina, BSc, MSc, PhD (Montreal)
Associate Professor of Biology

Singh, Amreek, BVSc, AH (Col of Vet Sc, Mathura, India), MSc, PhD (Guelph)
Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Medicine

Smith, Philip, BA (Texas at Dallas), MA, PhD (Western Ontario)
Professor of Psychology

Smitheram, Verner, BA, PhilM (Toronto)
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy

Snow, Kathy, BSc, BEd (UPEI), MA (Bath) EdD (Calgary)
Associate Professor of Education

Sorensen, Dale, BMus (UPEI), MMus (Northwestern), DMA (Toronto)
Assistant Professor of Music

Speare, David, DVM, DVSc (Guelph)
Professor of Fish Pathology

Spears, Jonathan, BSc, DVM, MVSc (UPEI)
Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Springer, Stevan, BSc (UNBC), MSc (Simon Fraser), PhD (Washington)
Assistant Professor of Biology

Srebrnik, Henry, BA, MA (McGill), MA (Brandeis), PhD (Birmingham)
Professor of Political Science

Stevens, Don, BSc (Victoria) MSc, PhD (UBC), PDF (Stanford)
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Stevens, Jason, BSc (Memorial), MA (Carleton), PhD (Dalhousie)
Associate Professor of Economics

St-Hilaire, Andre, BSc (Royal Roads Military College), MAS (UNB), PhD (Université du Québec)
Adjunct Professor of Biology

Stoughton, Ben, BSc, DVM (Florida), PhD (Texas), Diplomate American College of
Veterinary Internal Medicine
Assistant Professor of Large Animal Medicine

Strachan, Leisha, BPEd, BEd (Manitoba), MHK (Windsor), PhD (Queen’s)
Adjunct Professor of Applied Human Sciences

Strong, Jessica, BA, BMP (Indiana), MA, PhD (Louisville)
Assistant Professor of Psychology

Stryhn, Henrik E., MSc (Copenhagen), PhD (Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University)
Professor of Biostatistics

Stull, Jason, BA (Vermont), VMD (Pennsylvania), MPVM (California), PhD (Guelph)
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology

Sweeney-Nixon, Marva I., BSc (Mt. Allison), MSc, PhD (Dalhousie)
Professor of Biology

Swingler, Andrew, BEng (Lakehead), PEng, PhD (UBC)
Associate Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Takano, Yoshiyuki, BA, MA (Trinity Western), PhD (UBC)
Assistant Professor of Psychology

Taylor, Jennifer P., BSc (UPEI), MSc, PhD (Toronto), RD
Professor of Foods & Nutrition

Teather, Kevin, BSc (Brock), MSc (Queen’s), PhD (Carleton)
Associate Professor of Biology

Thakur, Krishna, BVSc (Nepal), MSc (Purdue), PhD (UPEI)
Assistant Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

Thorne, Carolyn, BEd, BPE (Memorial), MEd (Toronto), PhD (South Australia)
Assistant Professor of Education

Tilleczek, Kate, BA Honours (Wilfrid Laurier), BEd (Nipissing), MA (Laurentian), PhD (Toronto)
Adjunct Professor of Education

Tobin vandenHeuvel, Gailene, BSc (Dalhousie), MSc, MBA, PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology & Microbiology

Trivett, Andrew, DipEng (Dalhousie), BEng (TUNS), PhD (Massachusetts)
Associate Professor of School of Sustainable Design Engineering

Tsuma, Victor, BVM (Nairobi), PhD (Sweden)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management


van den Heuvel, Michael R., BSc, PhD (Waterloo)
Professor of Biology & Biomedical Sciences

Vanleeuwen, Charlene, BASc (Guelph), BEd (Ottawa), MEd, PhD (UPEI)
Adjunct Professor of Education

VanLeeuwen, John, DVM, MSc, PhD (Guelph)
Professor of Farm Service

Velaidum, Joe, BA, MA, (Wilfrid Laurier), PhD (McMaster)
Associate Professor of Religious Studies

Veugelers, Paul, MSc (Wageningen), PhD (Amsterdam), PFD (British Columbia)
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

von Eccher, Magdalena, BMus (Lethbridge), MMus (British Columbia), DMus (McGill)
Assistant Professor of Music


Wagner, Brian D., BSc (Dalhousie), PhD (Western Ontario)
Professor of Chemistry

Wagner, Donald M., BA, MAcct (Waterloo), PhD (UBC)
Associate Professor of Business Administration

Wang, Xiuquan, BSc (Taiyuan University of Technology), MSc (North China University), PhD (Regina)
Associate Professor of School of Climate Change & Adaptation

Wang, Yanwen, BSc, MSc (Gansu, China), PhD (Alberta)
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Wang, Yingwei, BE, ME (HIT, China), PhD (Waterloo)
Associate Professor of Mathematical & Computational Sciences
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Waterman, William,  CPA (New Brunswick), CMA (New Brunswick), MBA (Moncton)
Assistant Professor of Business

Weeks, Lori, BSc (UPEI), MSc (Maine), PhD (Virginia Tech)
Adjunct Professor of Education

Whelan, William, BSc (UPEI), MSc, PhD (McMaster)
Professor of Physics & Biomedical Sciences

Whyte, Shona, BSc, PhD (Aberdeen, Scotland)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Wichtel, Jeffrey, BVSc, PhD (Massey), West, Michael, BSc (Dalhousie), DVM (UPEI),
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Adjunct Professor of Health Management

Wiebe, Sean, BA, BEd, MA (British Columbia)
Associate Professor of Education

Wohlgemut, Esther, BA (McGill), MA, PhD (Ottawa)
Associate Professor of English

Wright, Brendan, MA (U of Kings College), PhD (U of British Columbia)
Assistant Professor of Asian Studies

Wright, Glenda M., BSc, PhD (Toronto)
Professor of Anatomy

Wyeth, Russell, BSc (Victoria), PhD (Washington)
Adjunct Professor of Biology


Xu, Huimin, MSc, PhD (Toronto)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology


Yao, Luifang, BEng, MEng, PhD (McMaster University)
Assistant Professor of Business

Yason, Carmencita V., DVM, MSc (Philippines), PhD (Cornell),
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Microbiologists
Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Microbiology

Ye, Qiang, BEng, MEng (Harbin Institute of Technology), PhD (Alberta)
Adjunct Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences


Zerpa, Carlos, BSc, MEd, PhD (Lakehead)
Adjunct Professor of Applied Human Sciences

Zhang, Michael, BSc (Zhejiang), MA (Xiamen), PhD (Western Ontario)
Adjunct Professor of Applied Human Sciences

Zinck, Andrew M., BMus (Acadia), MMus (Alberta), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor of Music

Zuccolo, Jonathan, BSc (Simon Fraser), PhD (Calgary)
Adjunct Professor of Pathology & Microbiology


Betty Jeffery, BA (Acadia), MLS (McGill)
Librarian Emerita

Donald S. Moses, BA (UPEI), MLS (Western)
University Librarian

Melissa Belvadi, BA, MLS (California)
User Experience & Collections Librarian

Simon Lloyd, BA (Kings College), MLS (Dalhousie)
University Archives & Special Collections Librarian

Board of Governors

The Chancellor of the University

  • Hon. Catherine Callbeck, CM, OPEI, LLD

The President and Vice-Chancelor of the University (Interim)

  • Greg Keefe, BSc, DVM, MSc

The President of Holland College of Applied Arts and Technology

  • Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald

Nine members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-In-Council:

  • Jim Bradley
  • Charles Curley
  • Albert Fogarty
  • Kathy Hambly
  • Geraldine Johnston
  • Brian Thompson

Two members elected by and from the Senate of the University:

  • Rabin Bissessur, BSc, MSc, PhD
  • Adam Fenech, BA (Hons), MES, PhD

Two members elected by and from all the members of the teaching staff of the University:

  • Tim Carroll, BBA, MBA

Two members elected by and from the Alumni of the University:

  • Perlene Morrison

Two members elected by and from the student body of the University:

Six members elected by the Board:

  • Shannon MacDonald, Chair of Board of Governors
  • Kateri Coade
  • Peter Hayes
  • Alex MacBeath
  • Stan MacPherson


The Senate of the University of Prince Edward is constituted as follows:

Ex Officio

  • Greg Keefe, BSc, DVM, MSc
    Interim President (Chair)
  • Tara Judson, BBA, CPA, CA
    Interim Vice-President, Administration and Finance
  • Greg F. Naterer, B.Math, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), FCSME, FASME, FEIC, FCAE, P.Eng.
    Vice-President, Academic and Research
  • Sharon Myers, BA, MA, PhD
    Interim Dean of Arts
  • Nola Etkin, BSc, PhD
    Dean of Science
  • Miles Turnbull
    Dean of Education
  • Tarek Mady, B.Comm, MSc, PhD
    Dean of Business Administration
  • John VanLeeuwen, DVM, MSc, PhD
    Interim Dean of Veterinary Medicine
  • Christina Murray, BA, BScN, MN, PhD
    Dean of Nursing
  • Marva Sweeney-Nixon, BSc, MSc, PhD
    Associate VP (Research) & Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Wayne Peters, PEng, PhD
    Interim Dean of Sustainable Design Engineering
  • Gary Evans, BA, BComm, MBA, PhD
    Interim Dean of Indigenous Knowledge, Education, Research and Applied Studies
  • Donald Moses, BA, MLIS
    University Librarian

Alumni Representative –  Sjors Reijers (2026)

Board Representative – TBD


  • Camille Mady (2024)
  • Noah Manholland (2024)
  • Owen Brown (2024)
  • Anna MacLaren (2024)
  • Sasha Nandlal (2024)
  • TBD

Elected by the Teaching Faculty

Term expires 30 June 2024

  • Etienne Côté, BSc, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM and ACVIM (Cardiology) – Companion Animals AVC
  • Melanie Buote, BSc (Hon), DVM, DACVP, PhD – Path/Micro, AVC
  • Doreley Coll, BA, MA, PhD – Modern Languages, ARTS
  • *Robert Dennis, BA, MA, MA, PhD – Religious Studies, ARTS
  • **Carlo Lavoie, BA, MA, PhD – Modern Languages, ARTS
  • Barry Linkletter, BSc, PhD – Chemistry, SCIENCE
  • Cathy Ryan, BSc, MA, PhD – Psychology, ARTS
  • W. Ben Stoughton, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (LA) – Health Management, AVC
  • ***Andrew Trivett, BEng, ScD, Peng – Sustainable Design Engineering, SCIENCE (Faculty at Large)
  • Travis Saunders, BSc, MSc, PhD –Applied Human Sciences, SCIENCE
Term expires 30 June 2025
  • Alyson Campbell, BScN, PhD – NURSING
  • Bill Waterman, CPA, CMA, MBA – BUSINESS
  • Paul Bernard, BSc, PhD – Biomedical Sciences, AVC
  • ****Ann Braithwaite, BA, MA, PhD – Diversity and Social Justice Studies, ARTS
  • Rachelle Gauthier BEd, MEd, PhD – EDUCATION

Term expires 30 June 2026

  • Patrick Joseph Augustine, PhD – Indigenous Knowledge, Education Research and Applied Studies (Member at Large)
  • Kim Mears, MLIS, AHIP – LIBRARY (Member at Large)
  • Richard Raiswell, BA, MA, PhD – History, ARTS
  • Magdalena von Eccher, BMus, MMus, DMus – Music, ARTS
  • James Sentence, BA, MA, PhD – Economics, ARTS
  • William Montelpare, PhD – Applied Human Sciences, SCIENCE
  • TBD
• Mike Arfken – President, UPEI Faculty Association

* Charles Adeyanju, BA, MA, PhD-Sociology/Anthropology, ARTS (Sabbatical replacement for Robert Dennis, BA, MA, MA, PhD –Religious Studies, ARTS, July 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023)

**TBD (Temporary replacement for Carlo Lavoie, BA, MA,  PhD – Modern Languages, ARTS, July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024)

***Amy Hsiao BS, MS, MBA, PhD (Sabbatical replacement for Andrew Trivett, BEng, ScD, PEng –Sustainable Design Engineering, MEMBER AT  LARGE, January 31, 2023 –December 31, 2023)

****Joshua MacFadyen, BA, MA, PhD-Applied Communication, Leadership and Culture, ARTS (Sabbatical replacement for Ann Braithwaite, BA,MA,PhD–Diversity and Social Justice Studies, ARTS, July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023)

University Officials

  • Antoinette Perry – Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Prince Edward Island—Visitor
  • Hon. Catherine Callbeck, CM, OPEI, LLD – Chancellor
  • Greg Keefe, BSc, DVM, MSc – Interim President and Vice-Chancellor
  • Peter P. M. Meincke, RMC, BSc, MA, PhD – President Emeritus
  • H. Wade MacLauchlan, CM, BBA, LLB, LLM – President Emeritus
  • Norman Webster, CM, BA, MA, DCL – Chancellor Emeritus
  • J. Regis Duffy, CM, BA, MSc, PhD – Chair Emeritus of the Board of Governors
  • Tara Judson, BBA, CPA, CA – Interim Vice-President, Administration and Finance
  • Greg F. Naterer, B.Math, MASc, PhD, FCSME, FASME, FEIC, FCAE, P.Eng. – Vice-President, Research and Academic
  • Sharon Myers, BA, MA, PhD – Interim Dean of Arts
  • Tarek Mady, B.Comm, MSc, PhD – Dean of Business Administration
  • Miles Turnbull – Dean of Education
  • Christina Murray, BA, BScN, MN, PhD – Dean of Nursing
  • Nola Etkin, BSc, PhD – Dean of Science
  • John VanLeeuwen, DVM, MSc, PhD – Interim Dean of Veterinary Medicine
  • Wayne Peters, PEng, PhD – Interim Dean of Sustainable Design Engineering
  • Gary Evans, BA, BComm, MBA, PhD – Interim Dean of Indigenous Knowledge, Education, Research and Applied Studies
  • Marva Sweeney-Nixon, BSc, MSc, PhD – Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Anne Marie Carey, DVM – Associate Dean of Academic & Student Affairs
  • Susan Connolly, BA, LL.B – Interim Vice-President, People and Culture
  • Dana Sanderson, BBA, MBA – Chief Information Officer
  • Fred Horrelt – Associate Vice-President, Facilities Management and Construction  
  • Breanne MacInnis, MBA, CPA, CMA – Interim Comptroller
  • Yuqin Gong, BA, MS, PhD – Institutional Research Officer
  • Donald Moses, BA, MLIS – University Librarian
  • Greg Clayton, BEng – Director, Facilities Management
  • Blair Vessey, BSc – Director, Information Technology Systems & Services
  • Nicole Phillips, BComm – Director, Communications and University Relations
  • Zhaohui (Jerry) Wang, BA, MA, PhD – Associate Director, International Relations
  • Anne Bartlett, BA, BEd, MEd – Director, Student Affairs
  • Virginia Wickstrom, BEd(HRD), CPHR – Manager, Human Resources


UPEI Calendar 2024-2025 Copyright © by University of Prince Edward Island. All Rights Reserved.

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