Calendar Dates and Regulations

13 Undergraduate Academic Regulations

General Undergraduate Academic Regulations

The following regulations pertain to all undergraduate-level programs of study at UPEI. Most programs have additional, specific academic requirements that must be met (see the relevant department in the Academic Programs and courses section of the Academic Calendar for details). Students are responsible for learning which regulations and requirements apply, and for abiding by them throughout their course of study. Students are encouraged to discuss course and degree requirements with Academic Advisors, with the academic department Chair, and/or the Dean of the Faculty concerned. Normally the regulations in effect at the time of a student’s first entry to UPEI will govern the student’s academic requirements until graduation.

Note: The University reserves the right to add to, alter, delete, or amend these regulations at any time.

1. Requirements for a Degree

a) In programs where a GPA is calculated, a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 1.7 is required to graduate.

b) In order to graduate with a major a student must receive a CGPA of at least 1.7 in the major subject requirements.

c) For the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees — 120 semester hours of credit with a major subject in which at least 42 semester hours of credit are taken. Some programs may require more than 120 semester hours of credit.

d) Minimum Number of 2000-4000 Level Courses – A minimum of 72 credits must be taken at the 2000-4000 level in any degree or diploma program. Exceptions may apply.

e) Students in the Faculty of Arts may declare to the Registrar’s Office their major area of study at any time up to the end of their second year (after completing 48-60 semester-hours of course work). Students in the Faculty of Science, students are required to declare a major by the beginning of their second year (after completing 21 to 45 semester hours of course work). Students can change their major at any time but are encouraged to speak to an academic advisor in the appropriate department before doing so.

f) A candidate for a degree must complete at least one-half of the required course work at UPEI; normally, these will be the final 60 semester-hours of the degree. Exceptions may be made only with the permission of the Dean of the respective Faculty.

g) In the last 60 semester-hours of work toward a UPEI degree, students will receive credit for no more than 12 semester-hours of study completed at another university; exceptions may be made only with the permission of the Dean of the respective Faculty or School.

h) All students working toward an undergraduate degree will be required to take the following courses, recommended to be taken within the first three semesters of registration, to fulfill graduation requirements:

  • IKE 1040 – Indigenous Teachings of Turtle Island,
  • One of:
    • UPEI 1010 – Writing Studies: Engaging Writing, Rhetoric, and Communication;
    • UPEI 1020 – Inquiry Studies: Engaging Ideas and Cultural Contexts; or
    • UPEI 1030 – University Studies: Engaging University Contexts and Experience;
  • AND One Writing Intensive Course

NOTE:  Credit will only be granted for one of UPEI/ENG-1010, UPEI-1020 or UPEI-1030.  In exceptional circumstances, permission to receive credit for more than one of these courses may be permitted by the Dean.

i) Special regulations apply to Honours degrees (not available in all program areas). See the relevant academic department section of the online calendar for details.

j) Second Undergraduate Degree Regulations – Students who have earned a first Bachelor-level degree may pursue a second Bachelor-level degree as long as no more than 18 semester-hours of study in the subject area of interest have been completed in the first degree, and as long as at least 60 semester hours of credit will be completed toward the second degree at UPEI. Exceptions will be made only with the permission of the respective Dean.

k) Double-counting is the practice of having one course satisfy the requirements of two different and concurrent designations within one degree. The following limitations apply: In the case of a major and a minor, a maximum of six semester hours of credit can be double-counted. In the case of a double major, a maximum of nine semester hours of credit can be double-counted. Note: Although a course may be used to meet more than one requirement within a degree, credit is only counted once.

2. Time Limit to Complete Degrees

Students are normally required to complete their degree requirements within ten years from the date of their first registration. Completion time limits for Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Bachelor of Science in Radiography VARY, see appropriate sections in the online calendar. This is also the normal limit for specific course equivalent transfer credits. Exceptions may be made by permission of the Dean of the respective Faculty.

3. Year of Standing

All Undergraduate degree programs, except those Program exceptions noted below, are guided by this regulation with respect to Year Standing. Students are categorized as First, Second, Third, or Fourth-Year students. The categories are based on completed semester-hours of study, as follows:

  • First Year (0 – 20 semester hours)
  • Second Year (21 – 50 semester hours)
  • Third Year (51 – 80 semester hours)
  • Fourth Year (81+ semester hours)

This designation does not mean that all degree requirements for a given year of a program have been met; nor does it refer to the number of years a student has studied at UPEI.

Program exceptions:

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
• First Year enrolled in 1000 level Nursing courses
• Second Year = Completion of 1st Year requirements including NURS-1010 & NURS-1020
• Third Year = Completion of all 2000-level Nursing courses
• Fourth Year = Completion of all 3000-level Nursing courses

Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing
• First Year (January to December) = Enrolled in NURS-1030 to NURS-3040
• Second Year (January to December) = Enrolled in NURS-3050 to NURS-4040

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
• First Year enrolled in 1000 level courses
• Second Year = Completion of Winter semester 1000-level courses
• Third Year = Completion of Winter semester 2000-level courses
• Fourth Year = Completion of Winter semester 3000-level courses

Bachelor of Education
• First Year (throughout program)

4. Enrolment Status

To qualify as a full-time undergraduate student in any given semester, one must be registered:

  • in nine or more semester-hours of study (usually three courses taken for credit);
  • as a full-time English Academic Preparation (EAP) program student (which can include a combination of EAP and credit courses equivalent to at least 9 hours); or
  • as a co-op, internship, or practicum student on a full-time work placement (equivalent to 15 semester-hours of study).

5. Course Load

Fall and Winter semesters:  Full course load for a student is 5 courses ( normally 15 semester-hours of credit) in a semester. An overload  of one additional course (normally 3 semester-hours of credit) per semester is approved for students with a cumulative GPA of 2.70 or higher.  The minimum course load for full-time student status is 3 courses ( normally 9 semester hours of credit) in each semester. Full course loads for professional programs may vary. (Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering: approved for 6 courses per semester; Bachelor of Education: full load is 24 semester hours of credit in Fall, 21 semester hours of credit in Winter; Bachelor of Science Accelerated Nursing: full load is 19 semester hours of credit per semester). Doctor of Veterinary Medicine has program specific registrations that are not impacted by this regulation

Summer semesters: The summer semester consists of two sessions. The full course load for a student in the summer semester is 6 courses (normally 18 semester hours of credit; 9 in the first session and 9 in the second session). An overload of one additional course (normally 3 semester-hours of credit) per semester or session is approved for students with a cumulative GPA of 2.70 or higher.  The minimum course load for full-time student status in one of the sessions is 2 courses (normally 6 semester hours of credit). Full-time course loads for professional programs may vary.(For summer semester. Bachelor of Education: full load is 40 semester hours of credit; Bachelor of Science Accelerated Nursing: full load is 19 semester hours of credit). Doctor of Veterinary Medicine has program specific registrations that are not impacted by this regulation.


  • Course load can be impacted by other Academic Regulations in force (i.e. Academic Standing).
  • Students enrolled in a Full-Time CO-OP or internship course, regardless of credit weight, are only permitted to add one additional course to their semester registration (if they have a CGPA of 2.70 or higher)

6. Course Registration

The registration process consists of three steps:

  1. payment of tuition deposit;
  2. registration in courses; and
  3. payment of fees by the published deadline.

Double scheduling: students are not permitted to register in two courses that are offered during the same time period or during time periods that overlap.

Course changes: students may make changes to their course selections as follows:

  • Adding: changes are made online, up to the “last day to register”; after this date, or at any time for classes that are “closed” by the Registrar’s Office, permission of the instructor and the Chair [Arts and Science] or instructor and Dean [Professional programs, Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering and the Faculty of Business] is required.
  • Course Dropping: changes are made online, up to the “last day to register”; after this date, and up to the deadline for discontinuation as published in the calendar, changes must be made in person at the Registrar’s Office.
  • Non-Credit Status: changes from “for credit” registration to “audit” status are made in person until the “last day to register”. Note: courses taken as non-credit audits will not be changed to “for credit” status beyond this date.  “Audit” Status: requires the permission of the instructor and Chair or Dean, as appropriate.

7. De-registration

Students who have not paid course tuition and other fees by the published deadline will be de-registered and will not be permitted to write final examinations or to register in any subsequent semester. Reinstatement of registration on appeal will be made for exceptional cases only, at the direction of the Registrar on consultation with the Manager of Accounting.

Students will be de-registered from courses for which prerequisites have not been met.

8. Letters of Permission

Students enrolled in a program at UPEI and wishing to take courses at other institutions for credit towards their UPEI degree or diploma are advised that a “Letter of Permission” must be obtained in advance from the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office is responsible for confirming the equivalency of the courses for which permission to register is sought, in consultation with the department and/or Dean as appropriate, and if approved, will provide the necessary documentation to the host institution. Students are responsible for requesting transcripts from the host institution to be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office at UPEI on completion of their course(s).

Note: As per Academic Regulation #17 – Letters of Permission will not be granted to students on academic probation.

9. Directed Studies

  1. A student may apply up to 18 semester hours of Directed Studies towards a degree.
  2. Any student with Third or Fourth Year Standing may apply to take Directed Studies. For each Directed Studies course, a proposal approved by the instructor, the department Chair (where applicable) and the appropriate Dean will be sent to the Registrar’s Office no later than the last day to add/drop classes in the semester. The proposal must include a course title, a description of the content and of the method of evaluation, the names of the instructor(s) and the student(s), the semester and year the course is offered.

10. Grading

Each course taken for academic credit is assigned a final grade at the end of the semester*. The final grade for each course will be indicated by a percentage grade, and a grade point on the student’s transcript. A Grade Point (GP) is a method of expressing a student’s academic performance in an individual course.

Note: Courses taken over two semesters will be assigned a final grade at the end of the second semester. *The letter grade of ‘P’, Pass, is not assigned a numerical value and is not used in calculating the grade point average.

Grade Point: Grade Point (GP) is a method of expressing a student’s academic performance as a numerical value. Each letter grade is assigned a numerical equivalent, which is then multiplied by the credit hour value assigned to the course to produce the grade point.

Semester Grade Point Average: Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours taken in a semester. See Academic Regulation 10(f) Course Repetition for the treatment of repeated courses in GPA calculations.

Cumulative Grade Point Average: The UPEI Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) expresses performance as a numerical average for all UPEI courses for all semesters completed. The CGPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned to date by the total number of credit hours undertaken to date. See Academic Regulation 10(f) (Course Repetition) for the treatment of repeated courses in GPA calculations. The CGPA provides the numerical value used to determine academic standing.

Sample calculation of Grade Point

1. Subj 1      74% (B)      3.0        3 credit hours x 3.0 = 9.00

2.Subj 2       72% (B-)     2.7       3 credit hours x 2.7 = 8.10

3.Subj 3       67% (C+)    2.3      3 credit hours x 2.3 = 6.90

4.Subj 4       93% (A+)   4.3       3 credit hours x 4.3 = 12.90

5.Subj 5       DISC

TOTAL 12 credit hours = 36.90

Semester GPA: 36.9/12 = 3.08


Grade   GP       % Range

A+         4.30         91-100

A           4.00        85-90

A-          3.70        80-84

B+         3.30        77-79

B           3.00        74-76

B-          2.70        70-73

C+         2.30        67-69

C           2.00        64- 66

C-         1.70         60- 63

D+        1.30         57-59

D          1.00         54-56

D-         0.70        50-53

F           0.00        0-49

a) Course outlines/syllabi: These are distributed by instructors to the class during the first week of each semester, and must include details regarding methods to be used in evaluating student work and the value as well as timing of each assessment as a percentage of the final course grade respecting any existing restrictions (See Academic Regulation #13).

b) Attendance: Instructors may count student attendance/participation in calculating final standing in a course, if noted in the course outline. Professional programs may require 100% attendance. See Departmental Regulations in the relevant section of the calendar.

c) Passing grade: The minimum final grade required to earn course credit is 50% (grade point of 0.7).  For courses that are delivered with multiple components (i.e. lecture and lab), and where success in all components is required to be awarded credit for the course, a grade of F will be assigned if any component is not passed.  Note: Professional programs and some other departments have exam-, course-, and program-specific minimum grade point requirements, which supersede this minimum. See Departmental Regulations in the relevant section of the calendar.

d) Some labs, tutorials, field placements, and professional-program courses are graded as Pass or Fail and, as such, are not included in any academic-standing, academic-award, or Deans’ Honours calculations. See Departmental Regulations in the relevant section of the calendar.

e) Incomplete courses: under exceptional circumstances, students may request temporary “Incomplete” standing in a course for which they have not completed all requirements. If the instructor approves the request, an Incomplete (INC) will be submitted as an interim final grade, and the student will be given until the last day of classes in the following semester to complete the course work (some program requirements, such as DVM, would dictate shorter extension periods). A request for an extension of up to six months must be approved by the Dean. “Incompletes” automatically become “0” at the end of the approved extension period, if the work is not completed and a grade submitted.

f) Course repetition:

(i) While University policy permits passed courses to be repeated, students should be aware that marks obtained in such instances shall not be used in the determination of awards or scholarships administered by the University. All attempted grades are recorded on the transcript, with the highest grade calculated into the GPA. In the case of more than one failed attempt, the result of the later attempt will be calculated into the GPA. Students considering repeating a passed course are advised to consult first with the Chair of the department (where applicable) or the Dean.

Note: Repeated courses have a direct impact on the calculation of a student’s GPA. Course repeats are noted as ‘excluded’ or ‘included’ on a student’s transcript. Excluded courses are excluded from the GPA calculation and included courses are included in the GPA calculation. All courses attempted are considered in the determination of Academic Standing. See Academic Regulation #17.

(ii) Except as otherwise stated in program regulations, no student will be allowed to take the same course more than three times unless by permission of the Dean of the Faculty or School in which the course is offered.

Note: Professional program regulations on academic performance will supersede this regulation.

g) Access to Examinations and Papers:

(i) A copy of all written assignments and examinations not returned to students must be retained by the instructor for a minimum of 60 days after submission of grades;

(ii) Final examinations and/or final submissions of course work must be retained by instructors for a minimum of 60 days after the date of the final examination, unless the work is returned to the students;

Professors must make viewing access available to students, for all papers and examinations with grades affixed to them according to the above schedule.

11. Transcript Abbreviations

  1. AUD—audit
  2. CGPA—Cumulative Grade Point Average
  3. DE—Deferred Exam
  4. DISC/DSC—Discontinued with permission
  5. DIST/DST—distinction
  6. DNW—Did not write
  7. E—Excluded course from GPA
  8. EAP—English Academic Preparation Program
  9. EP—Exceptional Performance
  10. F—Fail
  11. FNS—Fail no supplemental
  12. FP—Failing Performance
  13. GP (A) —Grade Point (Average)
  14. I—Included course in GPA
  15. INC—Incomplete (an extension has been approved)
  16. IP—In progress
  17. LECT/LAB HRS—Hours per week per semester
  18. MP—Marginal Performance
  19. NC—No credit
  20. NGS—No grade submission
  21. P—Passed
  22. PD—Passed with Distinction
  23. QEH—Courses taken at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Charlottetown
  24. SAT—Satisfactory
  25. SEM. HRS—Credit equivalent one hour per week per semester
  26. SGPA—Semester Grade Point Average
  27. SP—Satisfactory Performance
  28. SUPP—Supplemental Examination
  29. TP—Transition Program
  30. TR—Transfer
  31. UNS—Unsatisfactory

12. Academic Appeals

  1. In the application of all academic regulations, students shall have access to a fair and just appeal procedure.

  2. In every case, a student must file an appeal within the required timelines (see below), otherwise the appeal shall not be considered.

Appeals on Grades

3. An informal appeal must first be made to the instructor within 20 business days of receipt of the grade. For professional programs and the Faculty of Business, see Faculty/School’s policy/procedures, which may impose different requirements, and override, this section.

4. A formal appeal may be made in writing within 5 business days of the instructor’s decision, as follows:

  • In academic departments with a Chair, an appeal may be submitted to the Chair, who shall consult within the department before arriving at a decision. On receipt of a written appeal, the Department Chair shall provide the student with a copy of the Faculty/School’s policy/procedure on appeals.

  • In academic departments without a Chair, an appeal may be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty in accordance with section 6 of this Regulation.

5.  The Department Chair’s decision may be further appealed, in writing, within 10 business days of the date of the Department Chair’s decision to the Dean of the Faculty, in accordance with section 6 of this Regulation.

6. In an appeal to the Dean:

a. The Dean shall provide the student with a copy of the Faculty/School’s policy/procedures, if those have not already been provided.

b. The Dean shall establish an appeals committee to hear the appeal.

c. The appeals committee shall consider the appeal and make a recommendation to the Dean.

d. The Dean shall consider the appeals committee’s recommendation and render a decision on the appeal.

e. The Dean may accept the appeal committee’s recommendation or may render a decision different than the appeal committee’s recommendation, at the Dean’s discretion.

7. Decisions on final course grades may be appealed further. Such appeals may be made in writing, through the Registrar, to the Senate Academic and Student Discipline Appeals Committee within 20 business days of the date of the Dean’s decision.

Other Appeals

8.  Appeals of decisions on academic matters other than grades may be made through the Registrar to the Senate Academic and Student Discipline Appeals Committee. An appeal must be made in writing, including all supporting documentation, and be submitted within 15 business days of the date of the decision. All decisions of the committee shall be final and binding, subject to a student’s right to appeal to the Board of Governors pursuant to the University Act.

Appeal Rules and Forms

9.  The Senate may establish rules and forms applicable to appeals made to the Senate Academic and Student Discipline Appeals Committee.

13. Examination Regulations

a) Restrictions on Testing: No quizzes, tests or examinations of any kind are to be held during the two-week period preceding the final day of classes, nor during any reading period, without the permission of the Chair and the appropriate Dean. In-class presentations and practical laboratory examinations scheduled on the course outline are exempted.

b) Special Examinations: Under exceptional circumstances [severe illness, jury duty, personal or family tragedy], students may request a “special examination” to be scheduled at a time other than the originally scheduled exam time. Requests for special examinations must be made to the instructor, prior to the originally scheduled exam time.

c) Missed Examinations: Students must make application to the Registrar, to write a missed exam, within 48 hours after the scheduled examination. Documentation to support the unforeseen or extenuating circumstances must be submitted with the Missed Examination application form. The Registrar will consult with the instructor, department Chair (where applicable) and the Dean upon receipt of any such application to determine if the request will be approved. The decision will be communicated to the student by the Registrar. The revised date and time set for the rescheduled examination will be determined by the instructor and communicated to both the Registrar and the student.

d) Quizzes, tests and examinations taking place outside of regularly scheduled classes during the teaching semester must be identified, approved by the Dean, and listed on the course outline. The course outline will inform students that they must identify any conflicts with other regularly scheduled classes, laboratory periods, or tutorials in a timely fashion so that accommodations can be made by the course instructor.

e) Students will be required to present their valid UPEI ID card and sign a control sheet at each examination session.

f) The University is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings during an exam, and students are encouraged to leave valuables at home. Books, notes, papers, or other materials containing information pertaining to the examination, pencil cases and calculator covers should be left with other personal belongings, away from the exam writing area unless provision has been made by the examiner. Specifically, without such permission, no laptops, electronic computing, data storage or communications devices may be in the possession of a student in the examination room. Calculators may be used at the discretion of the instructor. Any jackets, hats, bags, knapsacks, etc, are to be left at the front or back of the examination room and may be picked up at the end of the examination.

g) At the discretion of the course instructor, students who speak English as a second language may be allowed to use one bilingual dictionary (paper) to assist them in writing quizzes, tests and examinations. The use of electronic translators is not permitted under any circumstances.

h) The only time students may leave the examination room with the intention of returning is to use the washroom. Students must sign out, and back in.

i) No students are permitted to enter the examination room to write an examination after the first 30 minutes and no students are permitted to leave an examination room within the first 30 minutes. Students still in the examination room during the last 10 minutes of the examination must remain seated until all examination materials have been collected and accounted for.

j) Food is not permitted in the examination room.

14. Transfer Credits

Transfer of credit from post-secondary institutions is available to students who have been admitted to the University and meet the following conditions:

1. University Transfer

Students shall receive credit for courses successfully completed at another *recognized Canadian university and for which credit is given at that university, under the following conditions:

a) Courses must be acceptable in the program to which transfer is being sought either as required courses or as electives.

b) Grades must be at least 50% (grade point 0.7) or, where the passing grade for the equivalent UPEI course is different than 50% (grade point 0.7) at least that passing grade, however, students must obtain a grade of at least C- (60%) (grade point 1.7) in any courses used to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Similarly, students may receive credit for courses completed at universities outside of Canada. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

2. College Transfer

Students may receive credit for courses successfully completed at a member institution of the Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) or a recognized college outside of Canada, and for which credit is given at that institution, under the following conditions:

a) Courses must be acceptable in the program to which transfer is being sought either as required courses or as electives.

b) Grades must be at least 60% (grade point 1.7) or, where the grading system is different than that of UPEI, at least at an equivalent level above the minimum passing grade.

c) Transfer will be allowed by the Registrar only on the recommendation of the appropriate Dean.

d) Transfer credits may be granted through existing transfer and articulation agreements established between UPEI and a partner college.

3. Holland College

UPEI and Holland College have a number of transfer and articulation agreements with defined transfer recognition. For more information see the UPEI website.

4. Application of Certain Professional Courses

Normally, professional courses taken at UPEI or other universities may not be applied to other degree programs at UPEI. Nevertheless, within the Faculty of Science and with the approval of both the Department Chair and Dean, certain courses in the DVM program at UPEI and in accredited programs in the health professions at other universities may be accepted for credit toward the Bachelor of Science degree. Applications for degrees under this Regulation will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Not more than (30) semester hours of professional courses may be so credited.

5. Evaluation of Transcripts – The evaluation of transcripts shall be the responsibility of the Registrar’s Office in consultation with the appropriate department and Dean.

6. All courses transferred to UPEI will be noted as “TR” on the transcript with a grade of “P”.


  1. A candidate for a degree must complete at least one-half of the required course work at UPEI (normally the final 60 semester hours of the degree).
  2. Specific Course equivalent – transfer credit is not normally awarded for courses completed in excess of ten academic years prior to the date of first registration at UPEI.
  3. Normally, no more than 48 semester-hours of credit may be taken at the introductory level in any degree or diploma program.
  4. Any post-secondary studies completed during the period of academic suspension are not eligible for credit toward a degree or other credential at UPEI.
  5. Transfer students are subject to all other academic regulations of the University.

* A recognized Canadian degree-granting institution is an institution that is a member of the Universities Canada. The University of Prince Edward Island will also consider granting transfer credit from those Canadian institutions that are not Universities Canada members, but have been given degree-granting powers through provincial legislation within the Canadian province in which they are located.

15. Challenge for Credit

Challenge for credit by examination is available, by permission of the relevant Chair, to people who have been admitted to the University and who believe that they can meet the requirements of a course, under the following conditions:

  1. Challenge for Credit examinations are special examinations that test the student on the content of the entire course. They are not necessarily the same as regularly scheduled final examinations. In certain courses, completion of laboratory/practical components may be required.
  2. Only students in “Good” academic standing may challenge a course. Departments or Faculties/Schools will hold the list of courses that are eligible to challenge for credit and will send the Registrar’s Office the list to have on file. Some departments may have a departmental policy within the department.
  3. No challenge for credit will be accepted when any attempt has been made within the previous ten years to earn credit in the course, or an equivalent course, whether by challenge or otherwise.
  4. Not more than 10 courses (30 semester hours of credit) towards any degree may be earned by the challenge for credit.
  5. Application to the Registrar’s Office must be made, and the appropriate non-refundable fee paid, for each course in which examination is sought (see Calendar section on “Tuition and Fees”), at least one month before the start of the examination period.
  6. A successful challenge result will be noted as “Challenge for Credit” on the transcript with a grade of “P”. An unsuccessful challenge is not recorded on the transcript.

16. Special Credits

  1. Academic credentials obtained in settings other than credit programs in recognized universities and Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) member colleges may be recognized in certain cases. Credentials are evaluated after admission to the University, and upon payment of the appropriate non-refundable fee (see calendar section on “Tuition and Fees”).
  2. Applicants are required to provide, during the first academic year of registration at the University, documentation which, in the applicants’ opinion, demonstrates the successful completion of academic work commensurate with the credit(s) being sought. The academic units evaluating the documentation may require detailed program and course descriptions and other information necessary to evaluate the learning acquired. At their discretion, the academic units may interview the applicant or seek supplementary information by way of an oral or written examination.
  3. Credit, if granted, is on the recommendation of the academic unit offering the equivalent UPEI course(s), with the endorsement of the Dean of the Faculty in which each course is offered.
  4. Recognition of special credits by other institutions does not in itself indicate that UPEI will recognize such credits.
  5. A Special Credit will be noted on the student’s transcript with a grade of “P”.

17. Academic Standing

Students’ academic standing is assessed in May of each year, based on UPEI coursework completed over the previous 12 months. Academic standing is determined on the basis of a cumulative grade point average (CGPA), defined in Academic Regulation 10.

Students will be assessed for the first time when they have attempted at least 18 credits at UPEI.

Academic Standing will be noted on a student’s academic transcript.

Students are assigned one of the following standings based the criteria outlined in this regulation (GPA is rounded to the nearest .01):

Good Standing
Academic Probation
Academic Suspension

Conditions of Academic Standing
a) Good Standing: Students are deemed to be in good academic standing if they have achieved a CGPA of 1.70 or higher.

b) Academic ProbationStudents will be placed on academic probation if they have a CGPA of less than 1.70 at the time of the academic assessment in May. As a condition of academic probation, students will have restrictions placed on their course load; and, be required to enrol in an academic support program.

Students who are on Academic Probation and who achieve a Semester GPA (SGPA) of 1.70 or higher in all subsequent semesters will be permitted to continue their studies at UPEI while on Academic Probation. Students are considered to have returned to good academic standing once their CGPA is 1.70 or higher.

*Students are not permitted to graduate while on Academic Probation.

*Letters of Permission will not be given to students on academic probation.

c) Academic Suspension: Students will be placed on Academic Suspension if, after the completion of 30 semester hours of credit since being placed on probation, their CGPA is below 1.70 AND any SGPA since being placed on probation is below 1.70.


if upon assessment, a student’s CGPA is below 0.50; they will be placed on academic suspension, without being placed on academic probation first.

Students on Academic Suspension are not permitted to enrol in academic courses at UPEI for a full year. Any post-secondary studies completed (at any institution) during the period of academic suspension are not eligible for credit toward a degree or other credential at UPEI.

d) Readmission after Suspension

Following an Academic Suspension, students must submit an Undergraduate Application Form to be considered for re-admission to the University.  Students who are permitted to return to studies at UPEI return on academic probation, and are subject to this regulation (including a reduced course load).

Students placed on Academic Suspension a second time will not normally be considered for re-admission for at least two full years following the suspension.

Appeal: The conditions of academic probation and academic suspension are subject to appeal to the Senate Academic and Student Discipline Appeals Committee.

NOTE: Individual programs may have a higher standard for good academic standing and progression. Please refer to the appropriate degree/program requirements in the Academic Calendar.

18. Deans’ Honours List

Deans’ Honours is a non-monetary distinction awarded to students enrolled in any undergraduate degree program (except for Education and Veterinary Medicine). Standing for inclusion on the Deans’ Honours List is calculated annually at the end of the academic year based on courses completed at UPEI (or a combination of courses completed at UPEI and courses completed on exchange at a recognized Exchange Partner institution. Exchange course grades are not used in the grade point average calculation) between September 1 and August 31. Eligibility for this distinction is based on completion of a minimum of 30 semester-hours of credit, with a grade point average of 3.70 or higher, with no courses failed. Transcript notations will state Deans’ Honours List.

19. Degree Standing

When it has been certified that a student has met all of the requirements for a degree, the degree standing is determined on the basis of academic performance in the final 60 semester hours of credit. The GPA for the final 60 semester hours of credit completed at UPEI is calculated, with degree standing accorded as follows:

3.70 GPA or higher: first-class standing

2.70 – 3.69 GPA second-class standing

0.70 – 2.69 GPA pass standing

First and second-class degree standing are recorded on a student transcript.

20. Academic Integrity

As a community of scholars, the University of Prince Edward Island is committed to the principle of academic integrity among all its participants. Each student is responsible for their conduct which affects the University Community and is expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner in their academic work. Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated and, within the constraints of this Regulation and Academic Regulation 12 (Academic Appeals), the University supports instructors in their efforts to deal effectively with cases as they may arise from time to time.

A) Actions which constitute academic dishonesty are considered an offence within the University. Examples of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to the following:

  • plagiarism, which occurs when a student submits or presents work of (including but not limited to written, recorded, coded or created) another person in such a manner as to lead the reader to believe that it is the student’s original work; submission of work previously submitted for academic credit without prior approval of the professor. Some examples of plagiarism include;

a) quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing text without proper citation;

b) paraphrasing too closely (changing few words or simple rearrangement of text);

c) downloading and/or purchasing articles, essays, etc. and presenting it as your own work.

d) utilizing generative AI (artificial intelligence) software to create content and presenting it as your own work.

  • Cheating can be defined as attempting to secure a grade for yourself or others by unethical means. Some examples of cheating include:

a) giving false reasons for absence;

b) impersonating someone during a test or exam;

c) copying or sharing information or unauthorized materials (eg. notes, books, calculators, etc.) during a test or exam;

d) unauthorized use of technology (cellphones, tablets, laptops, generative AI, etc.) during a test or exam;

e) obtaining, copying, and/or sharing a copy of a test or exam before it is administered;

f) altering a test or exam after it has been graded and returned by the instructor;

g) unauthorized collaboration between students when individual work is required.

  • Falsifying records or submitting false documents. Some examples of falsification include:

a) falsifying any research results, whether in experiments, field trip exercises, or other assignments;

b) falsifying academic records, transcripts or other University documents, or misrepresenting one’s credentials;

c) requesting the extension of a deadline citing reasons known to be false, including submitting false documentation supporting that request.

  • Tampering with University resources in any way which would deprive others of their use. Some examples include:

a) hiding, damaging or destroying library materials or laboratory resources;

b) altering or destroying university computer programs or files without authorization;

c) accessing and altering official records without authorization.

B) When there is reasonable evidence to support an allegation of academic dishonesty, the matter shall be discussed with the student at the earliest opportunity. A written record of the incident and the response of the University will be sent to the student and to the appropriate Chairperson and Dean, and will be placed by the Dean on the student’s file in the Registrar’s Office.

  • Currently, tools designed to detect AI-generated content are not considered “reasonable evidence” to substantiate an allegation of academic dishonesty.
  • Other academic misconduct such as the unauthorized use of recording devices or the unauthorized acquisition of computer software or other copyright material.

C)  One or more of the following sanctions may be imposed, depending on the seriousness of the offence:

i) the instructor, within their authority for assignment of course grades, may impose:

a) a reprimand;

b) assignment of a mark of zero or a percentage failure for the piece(s) of work under review;

c) assignment of a failing grade in the course. The instructor will provide the Registrar with a percentage grade for posting on the student transcript;

d) suspension of privileges in cases where the offenses have involved misuse and/or abuse of the library, computer or other University Resources;

ii) the Dean, in consultation with the Department where appropriate, may recommend to the President suspension or expulsion from the University;

iii) the President may impose suspension or expulsion from the University;

iv) the Senate may withhold or revoke a degree, diploma, or certificate.

The student has the right to appeal through the provisions of Academic Regulation 12.

21. Application to Graduate

Candidates for degrees, diplomas, and certificates must make formal application to graduate by the published deadline date for each eligible semester.

It is students’ responsibility to monitor their program standing by reviewing their degree requirements and academic progress throughout their studies, and well in advance of submitting an application to graduate.

22.  Leave of Absence

A student may make application to the Registrar for a leave of absence from the program in which they are enrolled. Students in limited-enrolment, cohort-based or professional programs may require the approval of their Dean as well.

  1. A student who finds it necessary for family, health, personal, compassionate, professional or academic reasons, to interrupt their studies may apply for a Leave of Absence. Requests for leave must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation. (Note: Immigration Eligible Leave of Absence will have specific eligibility criteria)
  2. Responsibility for approving a Leave of Absence rests with the Registrar, with some programs requiring support from the Dean.
  3. A Leave of Absence will normally begin on the first day of September, January, or May and must be requested and approved before the first day of the semester.
  4. A Leave of Absence will be granted for periods of one semester, two semesters, or three semesters. (Note: Immigration Eligible Leave of Absence may have a strict maximum duration).
  5. The total duration of all Leaves of Absence granted in a program is normally limited to three semesters. For those requiring more time, re-admission will be necessary.
  6. While on a Leave of Absence, students are expected to not undertake any formal academic or research work related to the program from which they have taken a Leave of Absence. Access to the University’s facilities and resources, while on a Leave of Absence will be limited.
  7. Students must inform the Registrar of their intent to return from a Leave of Absence prior to recommencing their studies.
  8. Time spent on Leave of Absence is not counted as part of the allowed time to complete a degree.
  9. Awards and funding may be interrupted during a Leave of Absence. Some external funding agencies may have provisions for some types of leave.  Students should consult with the funding agency to determine impacts of an approved Leave of Absence.
  10. While students do not pay tuition or fees during an approved Leave of Absence, they are not exempt from other financial obligations (i.e. interest charges on outstanding balance, standard collections processes, etc.).

For International students, there will be an additional level of review using eligibility criteria published by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in order to confirm eligibility and any conditions.   An IRCC recognized Leave of Absence will be recorded differently (with the notation of *Immigration Eligible).


UPEI Calendar 2024-2025 Copyright © by University of Prince Edward Island. All Rights Reserved.

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