Undergraduate Academic Programs / Departments / Courses
91 Social Studies of Science
James Moran (History)
Udo Krautwurst (Sociology and Anthropology)
Science Studies is an interdisciplinary field whose primary object is the study of science as an institution. Going beyond familiar ideals, the field aims to understand how science was and is practised, how it shapes and is shaped by its objects of study, how science represents itself and is represented beyond its institutional boundaries, and how various technosciences increasingly blur the boundaries between nature and society. Within that, there is tremendous scope in terms of what to study (disciplines, technologies, skills, objects, traditions, non- human and human animals, scientists and their discourses) and how to study it (the whole range of humanities, natural science, and social science methodologies and theories). As such, a minor in Social Studies of Science (SSS) speaks to students throughout the Schools and Faculties on campus including Nursing, Music, Science, Business, and Arts.
The minor’s structure consists of 21 semester hours of credit as follows:
a) taking EITHER SSS/History 2220 ‘Science and Society in Historical Perspective’ OR SSS/SocAnth 2660 ‘Science, Culture, and Society’ as a mandatory core course in the program;
b) taking at least one additional SSS course at the 2000-level, with SSS 2220 or SSS 2660 as the prerequisite;
c) taking at least two 3000-level courses, with SSS 2220 or SSS 2660 as the prerequisite;
d) taking at least two 4000-level courses, with at least one 3000-level SSS course as the prerequisite;
e) the remaining course at the 2000- 3000-, or 4000- level.
Below is a preliminary list of courses instructors/departments have agreed to cross list into the minor. (Some additional courses are still in the process of being developed).
DSJS 4120 – Theories of the Body
SOC 4120 – Sociology of Health
SOC/ANTH 2660 – Science, Culture, and Society
PHIL 2030 – Environmental Philosophy
PHIL 2040 – Bio-medical Ethics
PHIL 3010 – Philosophy of Science
PHIL 3630 – Philosophy of Biology
HIST 2220 – Science and Society in Historical Perspective
HIST 3110 – Science, Magic, Witchcraft, and the Occult in Premodern Europe
HIST 3330 – Healthcare and North American Society in Historical Perspective
HIST 4340 – Madness and Society
ENG 2240 – Literature and Science
ANTH 4010 – Medical Anthropology
ANTH 4030 – Cybercultures
Additional courses not on the above list may be applied to the minor with permission of the Program Co-ordinator and the course instructor.